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aight, just wrapped this up

Du was DEFINITELY trolling about his thoughts on this film

i thought this movie did some things ok though

I applaud them for being able to try and capture what it must be like to make a film where everyone is practically underwater. I dont wanna undersell how cool i think the attempt was. I think the set pieces were better than the action sequences. Things like showing the hair move as if it were suspended in water added a nice touch to the immersion, however, there were WAY too many eye roll scenes for my liking.

I didnt like how they did his origins through flashbacks. I mean, its been done before sure, but with other more established characters. It really feels like they mailed it in, in that regard. They were lazy and uninspiring compared to the way they did it for Wonder Woman.

Cheesy one liners aside, outside of Manta, I thought everything was extremely cliche first movie superhero shit. I mean, some of its tolerable, but other shit just feels like it never comes together to make a cohesive experience. I also didnt like how once Manta did the suit, he turned into 'evil villain with stupid one liners" either. I liked his more human depiction like when he was first introduced.

Also, lol at shooting weapons in a submarine underwater

the movie didnt suck, but i definitely wouldnt watch it again.

This movie, AT TIMES, had better special effects than Black Panther, but the boss battles at the end for both films fell flat to me.
aight, just wrapped this up

Du was DEFINITELY trolling about his thoughts on this film

i thought this movie did some things ok though

I applaud them for being able to try and capture what it must be like to make a film where everyone is practically underwater. I dont wanna undersell how cool i think the attempt was. I think the set pieces were better than the action sequences. Things like showing the hair move as if it were suspended in water added a nice touch to the immersion, however, there were WAY too many eye roll scenes for my liking.

I didnt like how they did his origins through flashbacks. I mean, its been done before sure, but with other more established characters. It really feels like they mailed it in, in that regard. They were lazy and uninspiring compared to the way they did it for Wonder Woman.

Cheesy one liners aside, outside of Manta, I thought everything was extremely cliche first movie superhero shit. I mean, some of its tolerable, but other shit just feels like it never comes together to make a cohesive experience. I also didnt like how once Manta did the suit, he turned into 'evil villain with stupid one liners" either. I liked his more human depiction like when he was first introduced.

Also, lol at shooting weapons in a submarine underwater

the movie didnt suck, but i definitely wouldnt watch it again.

This movie, AT TIMES, had better special effects than Black Panther, but the boss battles at the end for both films fell flat to me.

So Du is over praising another DCEU film.....

So Du is over praising another DCEU film.....

the thing is, again, this movie is cliche heavy, and im really not trying to make that a negative b/c most superhero films suffer from this as well, however, the way they go about executing it makes them feel "different"...not in this film

there is NO emotional connection to the characters b/c the motives, at least to me, just flat out didnt make me want to invest into where the story was going.

Like, when his parents first meet, so, he is 4 years old when the King realizes she has been missing? So she's presumably killed,then when they reunite, its more of "well ofc they reunite" instead of "damn, his mom was alive the whole time??"

The brother angle didnt sit well with me either. You are left to fill in a ton of blanks b/c of how they chose to tell the story, and tbf, in a comic book movie, for an origin story, you just cant do this to your audience, IF, you expect it to be taken somewhat serious

I mentioned this previously, but im legit curious. What was the point of the "sea world" wanting to battle the people on the land? Like, so you take it over, then what?

Also, the former king closes himself in isolation b/c he fucked up on something that was supposed to make Atlantis better? Then closes himself in an underwater tomb where he can breath underwater? How did he die? Starve himself? Holding the Trident as well?

The stage is set for AM to do battle with this creature, only to find out that b/c he can "speak" to it, now all of a sudden he is worthy of the Trident?

The childhood scenes were cringeworthy. Usually with these metahumans, they operate in SOME sort of secret capacity, but this kid just talking to fish all in front of students and teachers all willy nilly?

The special effects, while impressive at times...most of the time it looked like "finding Nemo" and "Little Mermaid" live action films.

One eyeroll moment comes to mind when "Ariel" comes to see him to bring him to Atlantis. So, he in a ship or submarine or whatver righ? Why is his hair flowing like he's underwater? Why even take a ship when he can just swim there in the first place?
Yo when teenage Arthur was all "she didn't love me?" I actually laughed that was horrid delivery. But when he reunited with her as Momoa I actually felt for the guy. So he sold me.
I wasn't trolling... Fuck y'all...

The parent story was heart felt as fuck.... Everything about it ... It worked. The reunion between AM and his mom was a nice touch. The reunion between his parents was great.

And screw AP for trying to down play my opinion...I was legit entertained....

And you bugging with some of those other critiques...

I get it, you didn't want to like it.

But you seem to be picking... Especially with Manta..... Foh dude was great

I have no issues with the brother story or his motives. There was nothing "cringeworthy" about any of that....

I just don't get what you were looking for...I think the movie was hitting on all cylinders...

It ain't no Oscar worthy plot screenplay...

But it was a fun, entertaining, thrilling ride. Emotional highs and lows..... High replay value.....u bugging if you don't wanna see it again
I wasn't trolling... Fuck y'all...

The parent story was heart felt as fuck.... Everything about it ... It worked. The reunion between AM and his mom was a nice touch. The reunion between his parents was great.

And screw AP for trying to down play my opinion...I was legit entertained....

And you bugging with some of those other critiques...

I get it, you didn't want to like it.

But you seem to be picking... Especially with Manta..... Foh dude was great

I have no issues with the brother story or his motives. There was nothing "cringeworthy" about any of that....

I just don't get what you were looking for...I think the movie was hitting on all cylinders...

It ain't no Oscar worthy plot screenplay...

But it was a fun, entertaining, thrilling ride. Emotional highs and lows..... High replay value.....u bugging if you don't wanna see it again
My criticism of Manta stemmed from the point that they tried to establish this human connection with him and his father only for it to end up sounding like some mustache twisting villain with canned cliche responses

It was like what happened to the dude from the first act?
You asked why they needed a ship to enter Atlantis when they're mer people. Well you can walk I'm sure. Try to cross the border on foot either way (Canada or Mexico) and let us know how that works out for ya.
You asked why they needed a ship to enter Atlantis when they're mer people. Well you can walk I'm sure. Try to cross the border on foot either way (Canada or Mexico) and let us know how that works out for ya.

im sure he could swim just as fast as that lil pod fam

show me another lie
im sure he could swim just as fast as that lil pod fam

show me another lie
Did you completely fall asleep during the part where they showed it's a one way passage overlooked by border patrol and the hydro cannon?

He wouldn't get even an inch close without the diplomatic ship.
Did you completely fall asleep during the part where they showed it's a one way passage overlooked by border patrol and the hydro cannon?

He wouldn't get even an inch close without the diplomatic ship.
I saw that part, yes


Kinda of a hamfisted way of explaining it but ok
so yea

T'chaka/t'challa's relationship >>>>> AM and his mom

where is the lie

queen atlanna got more lines, had more action scenes, had a love interest, and even had a meaningful part in the climatic showdown between the brothers...when arthur and atlanna were reunited.. it was a heartfelt scene

t'chaka killed killmongers father, lied about killmongers birth, died without telling his son any of it, and apologized from beyond the grave....shit was almost more confusing than it was heartfelt...cuz he basically admitted to his son he was a bad king. which in reality leaves t'challa with more questions than answers, cuz now he has to figure out how much else is fucked up about their empire... but first he gotta fight this nigga for the throne back.. who in all reality has a legit claim and a reason to be mad....

shit was a cluterfuck..