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Defiant Kevin Hart Won’t Apologize, Tells Academy To Move On If It Must


You're the target, not the victim 🧐
Mod Squad

The Kevin Hart Oscar hosting crisis just hit DefCon 1. In his latest Instagram post in handling a crisis that has been escalating all day, Hart essentially says that he has dealt with his homophobic statements in the past, and he’s not going to let Internet trolls win. He will stand his ground and not apologize, despite the Academy’s persistent demand for an apology. He says that if the Academy can’t accept that, they can replace him and it will be “no harm, no foul.” So it seems just a matter of time before the Academy cuts ties with him, a move that can come as early as tonight. Because even though Hart has a point in objecting to have postings from nearly a decade ago thrown in his face, his stubbornness has established him as a clear liability, and his unwillingness to apologize for homophobic comments could reverberate with nominees and in other areas.
It's crazy how black people can't be rich assholes...

It's like we're held to a higher standard..

Like they know we know better... So we get no passes
Me and my brothers just had this convo a minute ago..

This Nazi gay agenda needs to fucking stop..They are becoming the "ADL" pretty soon you cant even say the word gay

There are extreme elements of the Agenda/movement that are and should be unacceptable....

My support doesn't go past support anyone's right to live and pursuit of happiness..all that extra shit is ridiculous

I damn near lost it today when i saw some one say the "WESTERN concepts of SeX/Gender

I suppose it is a different but related issue to Kevin Harts whole deal.. he apologized but does not want to feel like he has to kiss a mothefucker in the mouth to show he is a supporter or contrite.. they are tryin to Mike Vick him.. in that sense.
He stepped down because he wasn't apologizing only to apologize, these gay people too damn sensitive
and why he gotta be defiant?

thats that dog whistle shit.

this man has talked about everyone in his family and black people.....yet....now hes defiant?

even after he dealt with it back then....hes defiant now?
how can that be when he already apologized?