Breaking News Cory Booker Set To Risk Senate Seat To Stop Confirmation


Ignorance can be remedied. Stupidity is incurable.
Feb 15, 2017

Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) threatened Thursday to release a confidential email from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh “about racial profiling” at the start of the third day of confirmation hearings.

The senator said he would “knowingly violate” the rules and accept any punishment for his action, which he would consider to be civil disobedience. Booker said the email, taken from Kavanaugh’s time in the Bush White House, does not pose a threat to national security.

Booker could be expelled for violating Senate rules, although it is unlikely.

His colleagues Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) rallied around him, pledging their support in the event Booker faced “retribution,” as Durbin put it.

Hirono also offered to release the committee confidential documents to the press, saying she would “defy anyone.”

“You want everything to be made public? All your emails? I don’t think you do,” Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) responded.

The move would be in line with what progressive groups urged Democratic senators to do Wednesday: Go around Grassley and release the 141,000 pages of documents from Kavanaugh’s record that are not permitted for public release or public discussion. Members of the committee can read and discuss the documents among themselves, but they cannot question Kavanaugh on their contents in the hearings.

Jonah fam, you coudnt at least copy/paste a highlight from the link ?
im here for this
He just told Kap/Nike to hold his beer.

As a matter of fact, he needs a Just Do It commercial after this.

It's time for the new black leaders to step forward and make noise. I hope we see more of this moving forward.
Senator Hirono has joined the party:

Brett Kavanaugh Said Roe v. Wade Is Not ‘Settled Law’ In 2003 White House Email

“I am not sure that all legal scholars refer to Roe as the settled law of the land,” read the leaked email, published by The New York Times on the third day of his Supreme Court hearing.

By Paul Blumenthal

Judge Brett Kavanaugh wrote an email in March 2003 questioning whether Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion rights decision, was “settled law of the land.” The email had been deemed confidential by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans but was provided to The New York Times by an anonymous source.

Kavanaugh, whom President Donald Trump nominated for the Supreme Court seat vacated by Justice Anthony Kennedy, has attempted to portray himself as believing that the abortion rights secured under Roe v. Wade and affirmed by Casey v. Planned Parenthood are precedent. Roe, according to Kavanaugh in his confirmation hearing, is “an important precedent of the Supreme Court that has been reaffirmed many times.”

The email from his time in the George W. Bush White House was in response to a draft opinion article in support of one of Bush’s appeals court nominees. The piece was written with the intent to place it under the names of anti-abortion women. The draft stated, “It is widely accepted by legal scholars across the board that Roe v. Wade and its progeny are the settled law of the land.”

Kavanaugh’s email, however, stated: “I am not sure that all legal scholars refer to Roe as the settled law of the land at the Supreme Court level since Court can always overrule its precedent, and three current Justices on the Court would do so.”

Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) has refused to request all documents from Kavanaugh’s tenure in the Office of White House Counsel and has not requested any documents from Kavanaugh’s time as staff secretary to the Bush White House. He has also failed to release 189,000 documents that he has labeled “committee confidential.” The leaked email published Thursday is one Grassley deemed confidential.

The revelation that Kavanaugh has privately stated views that Roe v. Wade is not settled law, contradicting his statements to the committee this week, has prompted reproductive rights groups to denounce the nominee.

“Brett Kavanaugh’s emails are rock solid evidence that he has been hiding his true beliefs and if he is given a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court, he will gut Roe v. Wade, criminalize abortion, and punish women,” Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, said in a statement.

She added, “Now we know exactly why Republicans are hiding his records. Any senator who claims to care about women and our reproductive freedom should need no further evidence to publicly oppose this nomination.”
What got into these Dems? When did Booker get balls?




Besides the truth of the memes. These Dems see whats going on with the respect and votes the young aggressive shun the establish progressive Dems are getting by unseating long term Dems for mid-terms. So its just game recognizing game. They rolling with it instead of getting rolled over.



Besides the truth of the memes. These Dems see whats going on with the respect and votes the young aggressive shun the establish progressive Dems are getting by unseating long term Dems for mid-terms. So its just game recognizing game. They rolling with it instead of getting rolled over.

Good point. I hope they manage to at least get this to the point of getting rid of the legalized bribing that goes on in our government. If they can do that, I think things would improve a lot pretty quickly.