The Make-Up thread (Im sorry)


Dont drank out my drank, foo
Dec 21, 2017
The Sticks
How do ya'll go about righting your wrongs with your s/o?

Gift Ideas
Kind words
Ya'll writing letters?

Are there even that many ways to say im sorry?

I was buying some flowers and some wine one day on the way home and the dude behind me in line started laughing and said "oh you fucked up real good didnt you!"

I really didnt but is that the norm?

Just run it....
I ain't apologizing for shit no mo
Its aight but it ain't

You know when a woman is being unusually cool like she dont care??

I think I'm wearing her down and I hate it

Cant fuckin help but be me tho
In your case buy her food
Bitches love food
How do ya'll go about righting your wrongs with your s/o?

Gift Ideas
Kind words
Ya'll writing letters?

Are there even that many ways to say im sorry?

I was buying some flowers and some wine one day on the way home and the dude behind me in line started laughing and said "oh you fucked up real good didnt you!"

I really didnt but is that the norm?

Just run it....

I’m really mushy when I wanna make up.
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I can't really pull off mushy

It would seem fake right now

Just trying to be "chipper" and upbeat

No drinks or nothing
When I’ve had to makeup, most of the times I had start singing a love song.

I wrote a few love letters. I’ve set up something “sexy”. I’ve tried corny jokes. I get hella mushy, overall.

I’m not mushy in general, so when it’s extreme mushiness I’m either trying to makeup with you or tryna get some DICK.
Its aight but it ain't

You know when a woman is being unusually cool like she dont care??

I think I'm wearing her down and I hate it

Cant fuckin help but be me tho
Say man

Just interrupt whatever is going on, even if its an uneasy silence, and apologize.

Even if she dont see it coming, dont wait for the right time bc u wont feel it.

And beat her to the next question: say why ur sorry n dont start trying to justify or itll become an extension of an argument.

Mean it tho lol or she wont believe u.

If u do that n she still responds with "naw its ok i told u already" then sleep with one eye open tonight
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yeah Im familiar with all that lol

its cool usually just take some time and extra attention

showing more interest in shit she cares about and being more open and cool with her mom

got shit to do with her fam for the next two far

i try to not get too heated or let too much bother me,,..for me to get into explode mode where i then fuck up.

i just say sorry....give her some time to cool off and we talk about it.

most of the time its just a mis understanding or miscommuinication.

i try not to buy things or give gifts to say sorry.....i use that stuff for other things.
thats how I feel about the gift thing

tried it in the past and it doesnt change anything, then you feel played

then again, I haven't tried a Tahoe lol
try this book....


i read alot of relationship type books.
i want to be the best i can be.....i fuck up but i want to be the best fuck up or the best at making up.
thats how I feel about the gift thing

tried it in the past and it doesnt change anything, then you feel played

then again, I haven't tried a Tahoe lol

send her a text or email....its all about the trying....and showing you are humbled.

let her say what she needs to say ...even if shes wrong ..dont challenge it then. let her get off.

validate how she feels.....and take the power away by admitting you fucked up.
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never even thought about reading any relationship books

might be a good look
send her a text or email....its all about the trying....and showing you are humbled.

let her say what she needs to say ...even if shes wrong ..dont challenge it then. let her get off.

validate how she feels.....and take the power away by admitting you fucked up.

see thats the problem now....we're far past that....done it a hundred times

this recent situation is pretty much dead

im just good for going back and doing the exact same shit 3 months from now

i need to figure out how to break the cycle but keep my integrity

im hard headed and sometimes I feel like if I bend or change any more Im not even living for me at that point

just a mold of whats "right" or "supposed to be"

I know a lotta older, sour ass husbands that call their wives all kinda dumb bitches behind their backs like its nothing lol

i dont wanna be there
never even thought about reading any relationship books

might be a good look
bruh....i have alot of relationship books and marriage books.

help can come from anywhere
see thats the problem now....we're far past that....done it a hundred times

this recent situation is pretty much dead

im just good for going back and doing the exact same shit 3 months from now

i need to figure out how to break the cycle but keep my integrity

im hard headed and sometimes I feel like if I bend or change any more Im not even living for me at that point

just a mold of whats "right" or "supposed to be"

I know a lotta older, sour ass husbands that call their wives all kinda dumb bitches behind their backs like its nothing lol

i dont wanna be there
shit ......i would never say that shit about my wife.....

i compliment her every day when she gets out the shower and is getting dressed.
and when im travelling she sends my photos of what shes wearing for the day and then i give another compliment.

but as far as molding or changing.....

you have to see whats it worth to you. and how important she is to you.

somethings need changing.....that dont mean you are not yourself...but it may be needed. you see your life your way....on the outside she may see another person than who you think you are.

take a nice trip to a quite place......use that time to destroy whats hurting yall and rebuild something that will last.