Waffle House calls black woman's arrest 'appropriate'. Update: Calls to boycott Waffle House grow..

its fucked up to stand there and have to watch this fuckery.......

where them late night niggas that harrass everyone at waffle houses at now?

i swear.....them so called niggas who are bout it are never around to put in real work when you need them to.

they rather shoot and kill their own people
Cook your own meals and you would never have to deal with this kind of bullshit.

Waffle House backs workers who called police on black woman

In a heated meeting with protesters Monday, Waffle House officials doubled down on supporting employees at one of the company's Alabama franchises who called the police on an African-American patron out of "concern for their personal safety."

Waffle House officials invited civil rights advocates, including an official from the local NAACP chapter, into its headquarters near Atlanta to show them unedited security video of events leading up to the April 22 arrest of Chikesia Clemons at a Waffle House in Saraland, Alabama.

The arrest of the 25-year-old woman sparked outrage and calls for a nationwide Waffle House boycott after a cellphone video surfaced showing three white male Saraland police officers wrestling Clemons to the floor of the restaurant and handcuffing her even as the top of her shoulderless dress came down, exposing her breasts.

Clemons' stepfather, Lamar Howard, told ABC News that Waffle House staff called the police on Clemons after she refused to pay 50 cents for plastic utensils and asked for a phone number for the company's corporate office to register a complaint.

"She's owed an apology, just like the two men in the Starbucks," Howard said, referring to Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson who witnesses said were arrested and paraded out of a Philadelphia Starbucks in handcuffs earlier this month after the manager called police because she said the men refused to place an order or leave. The men say they were awaiting a business meeting.

Starbucks officials have apologized to Nelson and Robinson and said police should have never been called. The charges were dropped against the two men. The coffee giant has since said it will shut down all 8,000 of its company-owned U.S. stores on the afternoon of May 9 to train more than 170,000 workers on implicit bias and how to avoid racial discrimination.

The Waffle House statement released today says its workers did the right thing by calling the police on Clemons.

"Witnesses say several threats were made to our associates including threats of violence, and that's why the police were called," a Waffle House statement reads.

The statement continues: "It has also been reported that the customer made reference to a gun and using that gun. Our primary concern is always for the safety of our customers and our associates. We train our associates to contact local law enforcement anytime there is any concern about their personal safety or that of our customers."

Waffle House spokesman Pat Warner handed out the statement before playing for the activists the security video, which did not include sound.

Protesters on hand to see the video represented the Alliance for Black Lives, the Gwinnett County NAACP and Street Peace America. After seeing the video, the activists said they believed unjustified force was used by the police officers on Clemons and that nothing she did in the video appeared to warrant police intervention.

"When I saw the video, it was very inhumanely done," Penny Poole, a member of the Gwinnett County NAACP, told reporters of Clemons' arrest.

Dre Propst of Alliance for Black Lives demanded that police drop disorderly conduct and resisting arrests charges filed against Clemons and that the officers who arrested Clemons be charged with assault.

Activists are also asking that audio of the incident be released, saying that shows Clemons was threatened by the officers.

Meanwhile, Jacinda Mitchell, another African-American woman, posted a video on Facebook that she claims shows she was locked out of a Waffle House in Pinson, Alabama, while white customers were being served inside.

"We are aware of the incident at our restaurant in Pinson, Alabama on April 22, 2018. We have launched an investigation to gather all of the facts," Waffle House said in a statement. "Waffle House is a welcoming place for everyone, and we are fortunate to enjoy a very diverse and loyal customer base who we do our best to serve every day. The employee involved should not have locked the front door at all and should have certainly opened the door for the customer when she arrived. We will get the facts and take appropriate action quickly."

The Rev. Al Sharpton, a New York civil rights activist, is scheduled to hold a town hall meeting in Mobile, Alabama, on Tuesday night on the two Waffle House incidents. Sharpton is expected to be joined at the town hall by Clemons and her attorney Benjamin Crump.

Last week, the Saraland Police Department held a lengthy news conference on Clemons' arrests in which they defended the actions of the police.

Det. Brian Mims said witnesses claimed Clemons and a friend entered the restaurant and that one of them had an alcoholic beverage and were told they could not bring in outside food or beverages into the eatery.

After that encounter, the situation escalated with both Clemons and her friend "being loud and using profanity toward the employees of Waffle House," Mims said.

He said the women threatened the employees with physical violence and, according to witnesses, one said, "I can come back and shoot this place up if I need to."

The incident occurred on the same day a gunman killed four people at a Waffle House near Nashville, Tennessee.

"Witnesses also report that the officer asked Ms. Clemons to comply with his instructions on multiple occasions to stop resisting arrest and she refused to comply," Mims said.

Police said only Clemons was arrested because she refused orders to leave.

"During the interview, one of the employees said the conversation of the plastic utensils did come up," Mims said. "The employee did convey the message that ... it is now customary that if you ask for plastic utensils to dine in only that there is a 50 cent charge. When they had a discussion about it between the patrons and the staff, they did provide the utensils before they took their order and they were not going to be charged for it."

J.C. West, public safety director of the Saraland Police Department, ruled that no discipline would be required for the officers who arrested Clemons.

"Public Safety Director West and other members of staff have reviewed the video numerous times. They have looked at it from every angle and they have listened to what the witnesses have said and they are not choosing to take any action at this time," Mims said.
If those employees were black they should’ve known better. Calling police to deal with black people isn’t always the best decision. They tend to throw out the rule book when dealing with us.
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Black man choked, slammed to the ground at Waffle House after taking his sister to prom

A man who had just taken his little sister to prom was choked and slammed to the ground outside a Waffle House in North Carolina on Saturday.

The arrest of Anthony Wall, 22, has drawn condemnation from the NAACP's Legal Defense Fund and Bernice King, the daughter of Martin Luther King Jr.

Wall's is the second forceful arrest of an African American by white officers at a Waffle House in recent weeks. People were enraged in late April when three white officers wrestled a black woman to the ground at a restaurant in Saraland, Alabama.

"Our review of these incidents do not indicate race was an issue in the decision to call the police in either case," Waffle House said in a statement. "Both incidents escalated quickly, and our employees called the police because of safety concerns for their customers and themselves. We train our employees to call the police whenever they feel in danger, or if they feel their customers are in danger."

The incident involving Wall drew national interest after he posted a video of the encounter on Facebook, where it's been viewed nearly a million times. In the video, Wall is slammed up against a glass window by an officer, who grabs him by the throat and throws him to the ground.

Wall, who was wearing a yellow tuxedo vest, white button-up shirt and black pants during the event, took his 16-year-old sister to her high school prom earlier in the night, reports ABC11. The News & Observer reports Wall got into an argument with the restaurant's staff and police were called. The newspaper said he faces charges of resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.

Warsaw Police are investigating the incident, Police Chief Eric Southerland said in a statement to ABC11.

The NAACP Legal Defense Fund (LDF), a racial justice legal organization, called the officer's conduct "grossly inappropriate" and called for an investigation of his body-camera footage as well as surveillance video. The officer, the LDF's statement adds, should be placed on administrative duty throughout the investigation.

The woman arrested at the Waffle House in Alabama, Chikesia Clemons, had complained about being charged extra for plasticware before being arrested. Although police said her account differs from what they found during an investigation.

“In both cases, the Black customers were reportedly unarmed and non-violent," the LDF statement said. "Neither situation warranted police intervention, let alone such gratuitous use-of-force. Waffle House must conduct an extensive review and overhaul of its policies to ensure that employees do not needlessly subject customers of color to police contact and brutality. Police officials are not a private security force for untrained Waffle House employees. Waffle House cannot continue to avoid this issue."

Waffle House's statement said there's more to the story than the videos suggest and asked people to consider all facts "before making up their minds."

"For example, in the Warsaw, N.C., incident, Mr. Wall told WTVD-TV in Raleigh that he takes full responsibility for his interaction with Waffle House employees inside our restaurant," the restaurant's statement said. "And in the Saraland, Ala., incident eye witnesses, both customers and employees, report threats of violence to our employees were made by Ms. Clemons’ party including use of a gun"

Bernice King posted a call to action on Twitter after seeing the video.

"Family, let's stay out of Waffle House until the corporate office legitimately and seriously commits to 1) discussion on racism, 2) employee training, and 3) other plans to change; and until they start to implement changes," she said.

Waffle House said it is "reaching out to Ms. King so we can discuss her concerns."

Cop in Waffle House video getting death threats, chief says

WARSAW — The Warsaw Police Department has been inundated with death threats and hate mail since one of its officers was caught on a cell phone video choking and then slamming a Fayetteville man to the ground at a Waffle House on May 4.

Police Chief Eric Southerland said the threats have come “by the hundreds from all over, everywhere. Threats, hate mail, demands that the officer be fired.”

Southerland said officer’s actions will be reviewed by the State Bureau of Investigation, which will present its findings to Duplin County District Attorney Ernie Lee.

Southerland declined to release the officer’s name, even though he acknowledged it has been “all over social media.”

“Right now, it’s more of a safety concern for the officer than anything else,” he said.

Southerland said the officer will be identified once the SBI and the district attorney are ready to release their findings.

“As anybody would expect with the amount of scrutiny, he’s under a lot of stress,” the chief said about the officer.

On Thursday night, the Observer interviewed the man the officer is accused of choking, 22-year-old Anthony Wall.

In the video, the officer bounces Wall’s head off a window on the outside of the Waffle House, appears to choke him and then slams him onto the pavement. As he attempts to bend Wall’s arm to apply handcuffs, Wall repeatedly yells, “Get your hands off of me,” and asks for the officer’s supervisor. The video shows that Wall’s arms were raised before the officer grabbed his neck.

The video has been viewed 1.5 million times on a Facebook page for racial activist Shaun King, a leading member of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Bernice King, the daughter of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., has used Twitter to call for a boycott of Waffle House.

The restaurant chain, based in Georgia, responded Friday with a statement. It’s the second incident involving allegations of excessive use of police force at a Waffle House in about three weeks. The other occurred in Saraland, Alabama.

“We believe there is more to these stories than the short videos that have been posted might suggest,” the Waffle House statement reads. “We understand people have concerns about these incidents; however we encourage everyone to consider all the facts before making up their minds.”

According to the statement, Wall admitted that he was responsible for a confrontation inside the Warsaw restaurant, and witnesses in the Alabama incident reported that employees were threatened with violence.

“Our review of these incidents do not indicate race was an issue in the decision to call the police in either case,” the statement says. “Both incidents escalated quickly, and our employees called the police because of safety concerns for their customers and themselves. We train our employees to call the police whenever they feel in danger, or if they feel their customers are in danger.”

Wall said he had escorted his 16-year-old sister to a prom at Union High School in Rose Hill on Friday night. Afterward, he said, he and a large group went to the Waffle House, which is east of Clinton near Interstate 40. He said some members of the group sat down at a table that had not been wiped clean, and an employee cursed at them. That led to a heated exchange, and a waitress called police.

Wall acknowledged that he behaved badly inside the Waffle House, but he believes the officer who arrested him had no right to choke him and slam him to the ground. Wall was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. He was released to his mother’s custody.

Calls to boycott Waffle House grow louder
- Calls to boycott Waffle House grew louder Friday. It comes after a video surfaced which appears to show a police officer choking a black man outside a North Carolina restaurant last weekend.

The video from Warsaw, North Carolina appears to show the man in his “prom attire” being choked during the altercation with the officer.

Anthony Wall, 21, said he had just taken his 16-year-old sister to the prom when he got into an argument with waffle house staff. That is when he said Waffle House employees called the police. Minutes later he was in an altercation with the officer.

Wall admits he was wrong for the argument inside the restaurant but said the officer's response was extreme.

The police chief and the district attorney's office there are investigating.

Thursday evening, Dr. Bernice King weighed in on the issue. She took to Twitter to encourage her followers to boycott Waffle House until the chain commits to a discussion on racism and employee training.

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I mean sure... boycott these businesses that call the cops on us for trivial shit... but uhhh... what can we do about the cops that escalate the situation and abuse their power once they get on the scene? We can boycott every damn business out there but if cops are still abusing their authority the problem isn't being addressed.

also.....Waffle House is overrated as fuck anyway... I won't tolerate any Lemon Pepper wing slander though lol
why didn't i think of Awful House?? Genius!!
If I'm hungry and I'm driving to find a place to eat while I'm at work. And I see the lot is empty at waffle House so the only wait I'll have is for them to cook the food.

images.jpg I'm eating at waffle house. Keep it a buck Nike, apple, Samsung and many other companies rape other people in countries to sell us over price shit that was made on cheap labor..

How many niggaz wore Jay's and talked on their iphone?

The worlds fucked up, niggaz be hungry
It won't be hhard to boycott. I never ate there.

It's a shame what happened to this young man.

I hope the employees that backed up the employee who called the police were not black.
I mean sure... boycott these businesses that call the cops on us for trivial shit... but uhhh... what can we do about the cops that escalate the situation and abuse their power once they get on the scene? We can boycott every damn business out there but if cops are still abusing their authority the problem isn't being addressed.

also.....Waffle House is overrated as fuck anyway... I won't tolerate any Lemon Pepper wing slander though lol

It would be ideal to go up the chain of command to put pressure on their superiors to punish this type of behavior. Whoever that cop reports too, whoever that person reports too, and so on till shit gets handled. This is where the end game for voting and gaining influence should come into play. But life is rarely as it should be.
If I'm hungry and I'm driving to find a place to eat while I'm at work. And I see the lot is empty at waffle House so the only wait I'll have is for them to cook the food.

View attachment 45808 I'm eating at waffle house. Keep it a buck Nike, apple, Samsung and many other companies rape other people in countries to sell us over price shit that was made on cheap labor..

How many niggaz wore Jay's and talked on their iphone?

The worlds fucked up, niggaz be hungry

Bolded...truer words have never been spoken.