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Kanye supports Trump. Koonye says slavery was a choice. Update: Koonye On Support For Trump in New Interview: ‘I’m Definitely Voting This Time’

From the clip just posted yall could be right and he could be dropping a "pro black" album and say he was just acting like these white mfs want me to act, etc. But imo the damage is done, plus he's highlighting the fact that he hasn't stood up for black issues since the Bush shit. But now he wants to stand up for some shit when it's album time?

So you don't stand up for shit until it's time to sell something, u go create a white family and then come back and troll black people?

And that's at BEST. Which we know is not the case. At worst he's a full-blown Coon smh
No horse in this race. Never been a fan. I did find the John Legend text convo hilarious though.

"Yo God you're the greatest artist of your generation" while passive aggressively scolding him.

Lmao what kinda shit is that to say to your friends? If you have to kiss ass on that level are you even really friends?

Celebrities are so fucking weird and fugazi.

Conservative Candace Owens, Who Denies Racism Exists, Sued School Board After Being ‘Destroyed’ By Racists

*Controversial conservative, Candace Owens, who many call the next Tomi Lahren, is the creator of the Red Black Pill YouTube channel where she expresses views that seem to contradict many of the political and ideological beliefs of Black America.

Owens made headlines this week when Kanye West gave her a shoutout for sharing similar views as his.

“I’m freaking out. @kanyewest,” she wrote on Twitter. “Please take a meeting with me. I tell every single person that everything that I have been inspired to do, was written in your music.”

Owens added: “I am my own biggest fan, because you made it okay. I need you to help wake up the black community.”

Owens believes racism is no longer an issue—but many are wondering if that was that before or after her family won a lawsuit for $37,500 from the Stamford (Conn.) Board of Education as a result of racism?

As noted by The Root, perhaps the board should ask for a refund.

The outlet reports that in 2016, Owens wrote an open letter to the Stamford Advocate sharing how racial slurs and death threats from classmates drove her to an eating disorder and therapy.

In the letter, she said, “Those words destroyed me. I held my head high at school, but I went home and I cried every single night.” In another interview, she told the Connecticut Post it took her seven years to move past the incident, “[When something like that happens] you become hostile. You become bitter.”

It seems that a bitter and hostile attitude continues to be an issue for Owens, who now claims that African Americans who cry racism are just a bunch of overly privileged Americans, police brutality is not an issue, former President Bill Clinton is to blame for the mass incarceration of black men (actually, that’s true), and former President Barack Obama is a “spineless coward,” – per The Root.

The article also notes how “Many, like Owens, associate police brutality with white officers and black victims, but in many cities like Baltimore, it is not just about a white officer or black officer, it is about cultural problems within law enforcement abusing its power.”

The Root’s Rochelle Ritchie writes: “I would like to think that Owens, who has been sent down to free us from the mental bondage of the Democratic Party, has done some research on these issues, but it’s clear she hasn’t. Had she taken the time to expand her brain space, she would have found that the Department of Justice released multiple reports of police departments engaged in police brutality.”

“In her YouTube video, “White Guilt,” Owens claims that white people who speak against racial injustice are disingenuous, and are only doing so to heal the guilt they feel as white people.”
“In her YouTube video, “White Guilt,” Owens claims that white people who speak against racial injustice are disingenuous, and are only doing so to heal the guilt they feel as white people.”

While this is true about a lot of them doesn't she realize how that statement completely discredits her claim that racism is no longer an issue?

What an idiot!

The older I get the more true this quote seems

Man people really are in their feelings over one man's opinion. The celeb worship shit is outta hand at this point. They're humans not demigods and even demigods had a right to express unpopular opinions.

I expect his new album to make record numbers at this rate. All these people bitching will DEFINITELY be streaming the shit at the least.
People are weird these days. 10+ years ago no one would care about this shit.

It's a combination of entitlement (he's one of us so he should think like us) and celeb worship (I can't believe I'm disagreeing with my musical hero. The world is over). Live and let live is no longer a principle in society. I weep for this generation.
Black men taking are really taking a beating from their own today. Sad.

I love every black man in my life. Flaws and all.
It's a combination of entitlement (he's one of us so he should think like us) and celeb worship (I can't believe I'm disagreeing with my musical hero. The world is over). Live and let live is no longer a principle in society. I weep for this generation.
Nah i think you're minimalizing it. It's not like he just voted for Trump and left it at that, he's sucking Trump's dick like a groupie and being used as a puppet. Cracker had his arm around Ye neck throwing the white power sign, that's cult shit