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Parkland, FL High School Shooting/The March For Our Lives Thread

Can’t see the forest for the trees with some of y’all.

We had KIDS trying to make a change but shining light on black problems while the old white ppl trying to knock them down and y’all find something wrong with it.

We all know change happens when the youth stand behind something and it took a long time and still go more to go but young white ppl are seeing the world for what it is.

That’s why these old white faggots going extra hard because they see their grip getting soft because the younger white generations is not like them as a whole (of course they still have some)

Just like the younger black generations ain’t really with that gang shit and fucking over their own kind. We made progress too. Black women is the most educated group in America. We all taking steps to a better future as soon as the older white get the fuck out.

I lived in 3 different states and seen young white ppl and blacks come to together for the greater good of blacks (much less out here in the DFW though)

I still have many doubts about white ppl but if the change is happening with their youth than it’s a real change.
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Still kids. They don’t have a track record.

So you want old and young white ppl to continue the process of oppression on us?

What i want is for my ppl to stop falling for the banana in the tail pipe. They dont have a track rescord huh? You blew right past whats been pointed out twice regarding the fact they've ignored their black peers and refused a sibling of one of the victims from speaking simply because he was vocal about more common sense approaches like metal detectors. Which by the way, some of them have stated metal detectors and clear backpacks would make their schools feel like a prison. How dumb is that? You want to be safe or comfortable? Not to mention black districts are often structured that way. I guess they're above that.

Not to mention no critcism of the local police department, in fact david was all compasionate toward those cowards that sat outside. This screams some blue live matter support shit. You all angry at the politicians but the sissy with a gun that could have saved some of your classmates lives is alright in your book?

They holding marches against police brutality towards blacks or nah? All these black people that have been killed, in recent years, highly publicized, didnt move them to join or start marching then so stfu now. Oh wait, since its precious little white kids dodging bullets something HAS to be done now right?
Can’t see the forest for the trees with some of y’all.

We had KIDS trying to make a change but shining light on black problems while the old white ppl trying to knock them down and y’all find something wrong with it.

We all know change happens when the youth stand behind something and it took a long time and still go more to go but young white ppl are seeing the world for what it is.

That’s why these old white faggots going extra hard because they see their grip getting soft because the younger white generations is not like them as a whole (of course they still have some)

Just like the younger black generations ain’t really with that gang shit and fucking over their own kind. We made progress too. Black women is the most educated group in America. We all taking steps to a better future as soon as the older white get the fuck out.

I lived in 3 different states and seen young white ppl and blacks come to together for the greater good of blacks (much less out here in the DFW though)

I still have many doubts about white ppl but if the change is happening with their youth than it’s a real change.

Lmao at you thinking the children of our oppressors have a different mindset. Have you not seen all the fuckery they carry on with? The nigger song, the black face parties, or how about when they mocked Trevon by dressing up as him during halloween? What about the black girls rock fiasco on twitter, where the white girls got all but hurt?

But gon head fam, you got it

I’m just making a observation for this particular event picture

You take one scene and act like black folks aint been marching since forever? Why even make that comment? Maybe, just maybe, tirnout was low because we tired of marching with little to no results

The fact you were so critical of the black turnout yet applied so many cac excuses speaks volumes