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Yeh....she was Norrin's GF, not a herald lol. How can you claim 1968 with this bullshit, gtfo


Point is, dumbass, she been part of the comics in some form or fashion since day 1

You weak ass incels need something new to bitch about.
Damn, galactus looked like a nigga I'd have slapped and took his lunch money
Guess Ineson dropped the lawsuit cause he sued Disney for sustaining permanent shoulder damage during an injury he got while filming Willow lol
There's no way this movie comes out in July of next year. Blade is gonna get pushed back and this will probably take the November date

Paul Walter Hauser: I know what that question is leading to, which is the asnwer as to which character I'm to play. So all I can say is that I, in some iteration, am in the movie The Fantastic Four until I get fired or recast. So I can't say anything about the character I'm playing, but know that it is in the sort of lexicon and mythology of The Fantastic Four stories. And it's a very distinct character that I'm excited to play and I'm kind of mapping out what I'm doing with that right now. But I've always wanted to be a part of a cinematic universe. I spent a lot of time trying to campaign to play the Penguin in the Matt Reeves film, and that of course went to Colin Farrell and he did a masterful job and it was totally different than what I was trying to do. So I really appreciate Marvel giving me the time of day and entrusting a role to me in some capacity that I get to be a part of that family. I'm really excited to partake in.