NXT Deadline (12/9/23)

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Yeah this PLE solidified the fact 2023 was a banger year for NXT man who woulda thought lol
Me. I never stopped believing


i knew this day would come, i just didnt know when
Just getting to really watch this. It was time for Dom to drop, idk that I would've done it w DL, but I can see why also. The women killed that shit. Lash has a great powerhouse moveset. Lol Why they gotta do kelani like that? I fuck w Lyra in ring wise, but she's kinda boring otherwise. I'm cool on ever seeing another Cora match
Lexis/ melo wasn't anything to write home about. Dang, Bates looked strong AF. They all did their thing. Trick winning was a feel good moment. I fugg w it
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Trick love the kids.

Crazy moment. I was ready to be salty because my boy had no pins until they got down to the ass end of the match. I thought they were bout to play him but it was creative the way they had him come back like that and it let's me know that Shawn knows what he got w/ Trick. He definitely gone capitalize on him being over.