NSFW Ever Felt The Need To “Dumb It Down” To Keep Folks From Questioning Your Blackness?... The Life & Times of Obsession vol. 1

in line with the anti-intellectual theme of this thread

I'm highly disappointed I didn't see a clip of Obsession posted

ya'll really let me down 🙁

Looks like the one YT account that had it up was closed.
This was probably one of the best videos I've seen on the subject and sums up why I choose to keep it on the low.

  • Goat
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I've basically had to "dumb it down" for as long as I could talk. Very, very, very few people have ever witnessed my intellectual side in full form. My IQ places me as one of the most intelligent people on the planet, but I rarely ever show it, especially around Black folks. As a kid I was teased 'cause I "talked white". I grew up with an interest in computers, electronics, and math. I read Quotations From Chairman Mao, Che's "Guerrilla Warfare", Marx's "The Communist Manifesto", and Plato's "Republic" between 7-9 years old and one of my sisters and I spent our weekends reading the encyclopedia set we owned or books by Jacques Cousteau for fun (my stepfather had a bunch of them). I had very little in common with my peers, so in order to make friends I learned to dumb it down. When we moved to Detroit I really had to do it. My teachers loved me for my intellect but a lot of my classmates thought I was weird 'cause I wasn't into the same shit everyone else was into. I adapted and basically dumbed it down to just slightly above my peers so I was basically the cool nerd in school.

I still don't flex it if I'm around my peoples. There was a point in time after my wife had passed where I basically let it loose and my middle daughter was like "Daddy... you're really a nerd aren't you???" during a conversation we were having (I forget what it was about).

Shit, I was talking to one of my ex'es earlier today and she called me "Sheldon". I'm like "are you calling me Plankton???" and she was like "no, silly, from The Big Bang Theory". then we did thei whole back and forth about how I've never watched so much as a single minute of that show, how I'm like him, and alla this other shit. When I worked as an engineer some of my co-workers used to say I was just like the character House, except for EE, ME, and SE plus all things IT (that's actually how I was even introduced to the show. One of my favorites). My wife used to say I can be a lot like Rick Sanchez and that's probably why I loved Rick and Morty so much.

Flexing my intellect has never helped me socially, so I tend to keep it muted.
Reading this reminded me a quote I saw about The Big Bang theory. They said, "The Big Bang Theory is a pretend smart show, for stupid people, while Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia is a pretend dumb show, for smart people."
  • Ether
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Y’all remember that porn chick from the 90’s named Obsession?

I remember seeing an old video of her on YouTube doing an interview and she was trying to talk like she was from the hood, pretending she was from L.A. and just putting on this act.

I saw a more recent interview of her a few years later and she was completely different..

Didn’t act ghetto or none of that.

You can tell she was just doing that, back in the day to make folks think she was cool…

… Just afraid to be herself.
Obsession was somethin else... head game was vicious...... BRB
Na. I mean, there’s certain shit that I’m into that I don’t talk about with certain people or at certain places. Here, for example. But that’s less to do with the blackness shit and more to do with the fact that I know that nobody else REALLY give a fuck about it like I do.
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Reading this reminded me a quote I saw about The Big Bang theory. They said, "The Big Bang Theory is a pretend smart show, for stupid people, while Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia is a pretend dumb show, for smart people."

I've never seen either show.
Nope. If anything, I'll smarten up (especially at work).

I like to read controversial documents/books a lot. My stash of books can touch my high ceilings a few times. Some of it I've shared on this site and some I haven't. I like to share that controversy just to let folks know I ain't dumbin' nothing down. This goes for when talking about politics, religion, etc...
No. At most I may code switch how I talk or certain words. But that's just reading the room and knowing how to communicate to different groups of people and minimizing my accent which already has a natural slur with "r" words ie we say "urrrea" instead of "area". I went to private school but still lived in the hood so it made it so I had to learn how to operate through different groups of people and also led to me picking up a lot of different interest. None of which I hide if asked but you probably wouldn't associate with me if you just had a passing conversation
I get the presentation of the question... cuz just look at that hilarious thread about how hood niggaz don't watch comic book movies or anime....

But at the end of the day... be yourself. If niggaz don't fuck with you for being you..... it ain't you with the problem. Live you best life, and chill with people who fucks with it. Everything ain't for everybody