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Damn Black folk stay losing...

All them migrants are now gonna be settled in Chicago.

So Chicago, NYC, and DC gonna be full of migrants and them people gonna become citizens, changing the the labor force overnight.

Black Americans already been ran out of DC. Already been ran out of NYC. Black folks been fleeing Chicago for 20 years, after building a successful political machine there.

The reverse migration has been sealed. NYC, DC, Chicago is loss for good.

We about to lose Atlanta as people from the metro areas, mostly non-Black, move into city proper.

A spokesman for Mayor Lori Lightfoot issued a statement Wednesday night saying the city had received confirmation that about 60 migrants were headed to Chicago from Texas.

"Chicago is a welcoming city and as such has collaborated across various departments and agencies to ensure we greeted them with dignity and respect. We understand that many are fleeing violent, traumatic, or otherwise unstable environments," the statement said in part. "We will respond with essential services while these individuals navigate the next steps of their journey and our community partners have been working diligently to provide a safety net."

But there were signs of change, even then. It seemed that just as soon as Black people made the neighborhood their own, its fortunes turned. Houses started falling into disrepair, thanks to disinvestment. Stores closed up shop — including the massive Sears store that left the neighborhood in 1976.

Now that trickle is a flood. Englewood, one of Chicago’s 77 community areas, boasted nearly 100,000 people in 1960 but is now home to about 22,000. Like a tide going out, it has left relics of decades of decline: more abandoned buildings, shuttered schools and boarded-up storefronts. Its remaining residents face a seemingly intractable level of street violence.
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