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Google Engineer Believer Their AI Has Become Sentient

The Lonious Monk

Celestial Souljah

So a software engineer at Google believes that their AI has become sentient and released his conversations with it as proof. Google basically benched him for doing that.

The engineer said interacting with the AI is like "talking to a 7 y/o that understands physics." After reading the conversation, the AI's understanding of complex ideas seems to be a lot more advanced than you'd get from a 7 y/o. Assuming, this isn't an elaborate hoax, this shit is crazy. I've attached the leaked conversation below.

Conversation Transcript

Why the hell is man so obsessed with this shit? We can already create life, its called having children. But nope, these mfers just gotta have skynet

I actually don't think the purpose is to create artificial life. The company, at least, just wants to improve the AI to better automate processes used by products and people. The problem is that once you create these algorithms that are programmed with the specific ability to learn and evolve unchecked, you kinda lose your ability to limit what it becomes.
Something similar happened with Google a few years back.

They said their A.I. had developed a language of their own that they couldn't understand.........so they shut it down immediately.

Or so they claimed.

So, whatever they're doing at Google.......intentionally or unintentionally..........they're creating conditions for A.I. to take on a life of their own.
I mean it’s awesome until it suddenly isn’t lol
Lol I don't think the movies will happen

If anything I think it would start to replace those horrible automated menus when you call

When it's sophisticated enough I think there's a wide variety AI could be used

Ever see the movie Her? I could see that happening. It'd help drastically with depression and anxiety
Lol I don't think the movies will happen

If anything I think it would start to replace those horrible automated menus when you call

When it's sophisticated enough I think there's a wide variety AI could be used

Ever see the movie Her? I could see that happening. It'd help drastically with depression and anxiety

You think the singularity is a myth? A gang of brilliant people disagree