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Why do people...especially women...don't like telling their age?

What's the embarrassment?
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I have a really shit habit of doing this. I will think about calling a friend everyday for months and not do it cause they're not calling me 🥴🤣🤦🏿‍♂️

I'll never just pass anyone on the street no matter how long its been if I called them a friend but I'm the worst at maintaining or cultivating those relationships. If I don't see you routinely or go weeks without speaking to you I will just stay on that course until we meet or speak again.

Anyone else like this or am I just weird?

Naw I got that same bad habit. Not on purpose. But I’ll think to myself ‘I need to text so and so and catch up’. And then life gets in the way and I don’t do it for mad long. Theres a group of people who I feel like I need to keep up with and speak with more, but I be so in my own world, handling my own issues, that the shit falls through the cracks.

I been tryna be better about reaching out to people as soon as it occurs to me. Shit is a work is progress though.
Had to add a white girl to the stable. My mom in heaven cussing me out right now.

"Leave them White girls alone boy, you gonna get hung."
or maybe... she just out doing real life shit and stepped back from posting for a bit..

lol it happens. Dont gotta mean she got "ran off"

I'm not saying it just because she hasn't posted in a while.

It's also because of some foolishness that went down last week.

'Think she just needs some time off because she's disgusted by the bullshit.
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