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One of my favorites... Just wish it was adult swim. I think the show would have had a bigger run if it targeted 18-25 year olds...

Cuz that's basically how old they were. And we knew they were really drinking beer the whole time, not soda
The creator agreed with the higher ups to cancel the show. The story line was getting exhausted and he agreed with them. Better to end on your terms then to be ended suddenly. The series finale was dope though
At least she wasnt walking around flicking cards at people and telling corny ass card jokes right @Ironman ?

On everything I love I didn't look at the post nor conversation and I knew Gambit disrespect was coming.

What country you at right now fam I'm debuting a new weapon to show how the city of Atlantis felt jrc3djd.png
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Since you wanna dance around the question I'll ask it differently.

Would you rather pay for healthcare like Americans?
Depends what I'm paying for. To see a specialist or something, yeah, it's premium care. Pay for the MRI or something or the ridiculous upcharge on stuff, no.
I wouldn't wish American style healthcare on my worst enemy. If you have money, it's great. If you don't have money, it's horrible, especially with what you paying for.
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