Best 2 Black Mirror Episodes (S 3)


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Niggas really voting for that san junipero shit? lol

You mean to tell me that episode didn't have you thinking what decision you would make near the end of your life? Go with the sure thing or leave it up to chance that there is actually an afterlife when you die.
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It was a cool lil story, but nosedive was more relatable and san junipero was no where near mind blowing as Playtest
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I'm not big on social media but I can see how people relate more to Nosedive than me. Playtest was my favorite episode of the season.
It's my favorite too, idk how the hell it's losing to san junipero. Yall niggas crazy lol
Playtest was cool but the ending was kinda dumb with too many twists
The triple twist at the end was a lil much. It had 3 different endings.

The 2nd ending woulda been better imo (ending w/ him going home to his mom)

But it instead went with the 3rd ending to get a joke off.... Saying he "called mom"

There were a few minor problems during the middle of the ep too but im not to picky about that. Most eps seem to have minor plotholes
Yea idk fam, all 3 endings were dope and i'm sure things similar to that happens all the time with companies experimenting with humans.
i swear goat is really acting very basic right now lol

every episode that me and @Goldie like the most (sans playtest), he on some "yea...but it was too intricate and all over the place"...wut??
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i swear goat is really acting very basic right now lol

every episode that me and @Goldie like the most (sans playtest), he on some "yea...but it was too intricate and all over the place"...wut??


If u look at the results im actually voting the same eps as u & Goldie alot

I voted for white xmas, hang the dj, black museum, nosedive... I said shut up & dance was a close 3rd

last day to vote, I'll start the tournament tomorrow
Whats your problem with San Junipero?

I thought u was a sucker for relationship centric eps

im not homophobic or anything, but this one didnt resonate with me as much probably b/c of the lesbian angle.

I dont think it was horrible, it just wasnt the most compelling one in terms of story arch

i tell you what, i'll try to watch it again tonight to see if my opinion changes