Son of Drago


Active Member
Dec 22, 2017
Holy Shitznokov!


Romanian boxer Florian Munteanu has joined Michael B. Jordan and Sylvester Stallone in “Creed 2,” sources confirmed to Variety, with production expected to start in spring 2018.

Along with Jordan and Stallone, Munteanu also joins Tessa Thompson, who will also return for the sequel, reprising her role as Bianca.

Munteanu is set to play Ivan Drago’s son. Drago, portrayed by Dolph Lundgren in “Rocky IV”, is the character that killed Apollo Creed, Jordan’s father, in a boxing match. Lundgren is also set to reprise role in “Creed 2.”

While plot details are vague, a match between Jordan and Munteanu’s characters seems highly likely.
Vague details on the narrative from another site

The film is said to explore Adonis' recently acquired fame, fortune and the struggles of celebrity in our age. The script is being penned by the trio of Ryan Coogler who worked on "Creed," and the upcoming Marvel "Black Panther," also on board is Cheo Hodari Coker who brought us "Notorious," Netflix's bulletproof "Luke Cage" and televisions "Southland." Last but certainly not least is our man, the Italian Stallion Rocky himself "Syl" Sylvester Stallone!
Yes but it's a movie. Did anybody realistically think that Sly could actually take on the beast that was Dolph Lundgren in his prime? Likely not but it made for brilliant entertainment.
Yes but it's a movie. Did anybody realistically think that Sly could actually take on the beast that was Dolph Lundgren in his prime? Likely not but it made for brilliant entertainment.
Brilliant entertainment is a stretch. lol
It would've been too reminiscent of Rocky II. This at least makes the stake as personal as Rocky IV but via a different dynamic.
This sounds more like a Rocky movie than the refreshing take Coogler directed.
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This sounds more like a Rocky movie than the refreshing take Coogler directed.
Lol I loved it but "refreshing"? It was a modern reskin of the original Rocky. Plus it wasn't the most original idea for a sequel. I walked out of Rocky Balboa in 2006 talking about how part 7 should be Rocky training Apollo's son. Albeit his son through his marriage not a bastard child. Still I'm sure I'm not the only one. Coogler just got the chance to actually make it.
I was speed clicking read the name and looked at the pic. Thought I was in some bizzaro illpix thread. Thank god for the quote