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FEATURED R Kelly Trial. Guilty, Faces Decades In Prison

just as much as his victims were failed at every level so was r kelly. nobody cared about either party. r kelly shouldve gotten help instead of having a network of enablers

they shouldve forced him into recovery/counseling

it probably wouldve saved a lot of girls

This has always been my stance regarding Kelly ... some of those abused children even had their parents and guardians pimp them to Kelly because he was popular and rich

Knowing he was sexually abused himself as a younger person... I agree 100 with him getting help ... but that's late now

Lastly... this dude as a musician worked with about 80% of BLACK music in his prime either writing, producing or collaborating ... he wasn't an average Joe... at a point the biggest star in the world...

Some of them definitely knew something or just looked away cos they wanted an R. Kelly Credit on their records
It's always funny when the moral police step in the thread. That nigga was doing the shit since the 90's but they just stopped listening to his music when that doc came out
And that’s one issue I have with this.

he’s guilty because niggas was reminded?

all this shit should have went to the police first....not after the doc and tours.

got niggas saying I didn’t know it was that deep. As if it mattered after happening once.
Fully explain this. Because you been on some “ we know Kellz is bad but what about the other adults” for awhile
You know what I mean.

try to stay with me without thinking I’m defending like your trash friend.

you don’t have an issue with dudes going to get girls to be molested?

then to turn a blind eye to it.

for parents to place their child in harms way

to allow there child ti be alone with said person.
Then the doc comes out to shine light on kelz but ti me it shined light on all the guilty, then they all point fingers at him when they were all willing in this.

i could even get past that, but then ti know it was money issues he was having. The timing don’t seem strange?

si all this time this lady’s was going shopping, on trips, having cell phones but not calling police while trapped, people can’t see their child but knows where they are, and the sex shit.....you telling me, that if it was enough to convict him........on 9 charges.....you don’t find this odd it didn’t go to the police first? As soon as they investigated they found all this? After his two houses was robbed they found all this.

got niggas talking about finally.

yes...everyone connected to him needs to go down including parents.

i never said he was not guilty. I said he could be innocent. If I’m wrong, ok. But the people that helped .....to me is worse than him. This dont mean I’m absolving him of nothing. So stop that shit. I feel if you stop it, stop it all the way.
This stance has been known since the start of all this.
Where am I wrong?
And that’s one issue I have with this.

he’s guilty because niggas was reminded?

all this shit should have went to the police first....not after the doc and tours.

got niggas saying I didn’t know it was that deep. As if it mattered after happening once.

I mean didn’t he have a whole trial that he was found not guilty. So what are the moral police supposed to do?
Just say y'all pick and choose which sexual deviant you're ok to listen to.
And yes let’s tackle this.

this man is right.
And you know why he’s right?

no doc made yall hate the others.

surviving r Kelly was made to made him look a certain way. Ok fine.
Let’s not act like other recent docs ain’t make niggas look misunderstood or lost in power.
Guilty is guilty

to me there is no such thing as more guilty.

“he only raped once, he raped twice....gotta cancel the second guy”

why not both?
I get why y'all don't listen to dude but for me I need more than allegations to cancel someone. If this nigga found guilty then I'll revisit throwing his music in the trash.

You'll respond to my post quoting someone else and pretend you didn't see me quote this post from you. And got the nerve to bring up picking and choosing.

You told this bold face lie just a month ago. Singing a different tune in here now that the verdict came down.
You know what I mean.

try to stay with me without thinking I’m defending like your trash friend.

you don’t have an issue with dudes going to get girls to be molested?

then to turn a blind eye to it.

for parents to place their child in harms way

to allow there child ti be alone with said person.
Then the doc comes out to shine light on kelz but ti me it shined light on all the guilty, then they all point fingers at him when they were all willing in this.

i could even get past that, but then ti know it was money issues he was having. The timing don’t seem strange?

si all this time this lady’s was going shopping, on trips, having cell phones but not calling police while trapped, people can’t see their child but knows where they are, and the sex shit.....you telling me, that if it was enough to convict him........on 9 charges.....you don’t find this odd it didn’t go to the police first? As soon as they investigated they found all this? After his two houses was robbed they found all this.

got niggas talking about finally.

yes...everyone connected to him needs to go down including parents.

i never said he was not guilty. I said he could be innocent. If I’m wrong, ok. But the people that helped .....to me is worse than him. This dont mean I’m absolving him of nothing. So stop that shit. I feel if you stop it, stop it all the way.
This stance has been known since the start of all this.
Where am I wrong?

But again nobody said the others don’t deserve time point to who said that. The thing I don’t agree with is you saying now people care. I’m sure it was plenty people for decades saying how this nigga nasty but he had money and influence. Are you gonna listen to some random nigga say Kellz a pedo despite not being convicted in 2001? Y’all act like victims of sex crimes haven’t had a slew of issues to be taken seriously. I know y’all hate the MeToo movement but without it Kellz would still be outside and Weinstein.
This has always been my stance regarding Kelly ... some of those abused children even had their parents and guardians pimp them to Kelly because he was popular and rich

Knowing he was sexually abused himself as a younger person... I agree 100 with him getting help ... but that's late now

Lastly... this dude as a musician worked with about 80% of BLACK music in his prime either writing, producing or collaborating ... he wasn't an average Joe... at a point the biggest star in the world...

Some of them definitely knew something or just looked away cos they wanted an R. Kelly Credit on their records
Then as soon as the light come on, no one supports him.

but but but
But again nobody said the others don’t deserve time point to who said that. The thing I don’t agree with is you saying now people care. I’m sure it was plenty people for decades saying how this nigga nasty but he had money and influence. Are you gonna listen to some random nigga say Kellz a pedo despite not being convicted in 2001? Y’all act like victims of sex crimes haven’t had a slew of issues to be taken seriously. I know y’all hate the MeToo movement but without it Kellz would still be outside and Weinstein.
Listen to what you saying.

he had the money and influence?

to do what?

si should people wait to criminals money dries up to then tell the truth?