Has this ever happened to you?

Fucking crazy yes some white folks feel we are incapable of a ton of shit..but raising our own children..so now you got to tell ya kids to walk it off cuz the hospital might snatch em?
Ok so what’s going on I couldn’t hear it right now
Basically I guess it’s a thing where cacs ( hospital officials) call CPS on black parents and have their children removed from their custody for any reason
Damn this apparently the second baby she’s had taken and the first one not back yet
I read this story on it but it still seem like something is being left out

The baby (15 months) weighed less than 15 lbs. when he was admitted to the hospital

Supposedly Syesha and her husband are on some weird hoptep vegan shit and wasn't feeding the baby and wouldn't allow the baby to get a B12 shot and some other shit

It's a very convoluted story but the baby wasn't "kidnapped" or taken for "no reason"
The baby (15 months) weighed less than 15 lbs. when he was admitted to the hospital

Supposedly Syesha and her husband are on some weird hoptep vegan shit and wasn't feeding the baby and wouldn't allow the baby to get a B12 shot and some other shit

It's a very convoluted story but the baby wasn't "kidnapped" or taken for "no reason"

Yea this seem like one of those things that’s getting painted in the wrong light because of privacy issues
The baby (15 months) weighed less than 15 lbs. when he was admitted to the hospital

Supposedly Syesha and her husband are on some weird hoptep vegan shit and wasn't feeding the baby and wouldn't allow the baby to get a B12 shot and some other shit

It's a very convoluted story but the baby wasn't "kidnapped" or taken for "no reason"

You know how these stories be. They write and edit them shits very selectively to get a certain narrative out there, whether that narrative is true or not. But I know one thing unequivocally: If a 15 month old baby is admitted to the hospital and the hospital staff discovers that she weighs 15 lbs...CPS prolly needs to be called.

I can't think if a single reason for that to be the case besides neglect/abuse.

But I dunno. I was wrong once before in like '94. So I guess I could be wrong again.
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Yea this seem like one of those things that’s getting painted in the wrong light because of privacy issues
It's the "hotep community" who put the story out there first b/c Syesha ran to IG and said "dem Nordics took my baby cuz they don't overstand the original wombman and melanated peoples" and thus the narrative that hospitals around the country just randomly and arbitrarily, "kidnap" Black babies and place them in foster care. Smdh

*Holy run on sentence Batman!*
You know how these stories be. They write and edit them shits very selectively to get a certain narrative out there, whether that narrative is true or not. But I know one thing unequivocally: If a 15 month old baby is admitted to the hospital and the hospital staff discovers that she weighs 15 lbs...CPS prolly needs to be called.

I an't think if a single reason for that to be the case besides neglect/abuse.

But I dunno. I was wrong once before in like '94. So I guess I could be wrong again.
You spoke a BIG word, Sir!
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Glad I read thru this 1st b4 casting judgement.

People and social media...I tell you.
Basically I guess it’s a thing where cacs ( hospital officials) call CPS on black parents and have their children removed from their custody for any reason


C’mon, now….

You really believe that?
But I know one thing unequivocally: If a 15 month old baby is admitted to the hospital and the hospital staff discovers that she weighs 15 lbs...CPS prolly needs to be called.

I can't think if a single reason for that to be the case besides neglect/abuse.

Yeah, she's doing a lot of tallking........but not saying anything to explain why her 15-month old baby weighs less than 15 pounds.