Not sure if this goes here but after reading this story I definitely felt like this some bias white privilege type behavior. Not Condoning the act but shouldn't the punishment be the same across the board.judges have way too much discretion.

Link to full story: attachment 611601

To play devil's advocate, it may have to do with Karla Hopkins liquidating her pension once it was found out she stole so it couldn't be used for restitution whereas the white lady basically paid back over 300k in restitution while letting the state seize her pension before she was sentenced.

Race still played a role imo but that's the reason given.
To play devil's advocate, it may have to do with Karla Hopkins liquidating her pension once it was found out she stole so it couldn't be used for restitution whereas the white lady basically paid back over 300k in restitution while letting the state seize her pension before she was sentenced.

Race still played a role imo but that's the reason given.

Yeah I guess not two cases are the same and it was two different judges...from the same court.
