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The Internet and Feelings


Oh yea sure. I can do that. What day again ?
Site President
I don’t know if we discussed this already but whatever. I’m over here with a brain full of questions.

Why is it frowned upon to show feelings via the Internet? Are we not real people with real feelings behind a screen? WHO gets to decide whether it is right or wrong for you to feel some way from what people on the Internet say about or to you?

So just because it’s the Internet, someone can’t get mad about what someone said or are they only allowed to be mad if it’s said in person?

Because the innanets is where anons come to be who they cant be irl
So with that in mind its considered weak by most to let a a random keyboard somewhere out there in the world really get under your skin...imo
Me personally I let the feeling fly, I say if something hurt my feelings, made me mad, or gave me joy. Funny shit is, people take me for joking cause I’m honest.

So there’s nothing wrong with having feelings. But the problem is some dudes and some women are unhappy and they post trying to hurt your feelings. Cause it makes them feel better that you feel bad.

So you gotta take the good wit the bad, just like in life offline.

:cry:It’s ok to shed so many tears
Me personally I let the feeling fly, I say if something hurt my feelings, made me mad, or gave me joy. Funny shit is, people take me for joking cause I’m honest.

So there’s nothing wrong with having feelings. But the problem is some dudes and some women are unhappy and they post trying to hurt your feelings. Cause it makes them feel better that you feel bad.

So you gotta take the good wit the bad, just like in life offline.

:cry:It’s ok to shed so many tears
I was with you til you said shed tears. How many tears are we talking?
Personally, it’s a slim picking of who can hurt my feelings. I’m a tough individual and I don’t let people get to me because my mama taught me about giving people power. Especially mfs I don’t really know or who don’t really know me UNLESS you cross a line. Then yea, I’m gonna be mad and I have been.

I’m who I am online and offline.

So is it perfectly fine to show positive emotions but not negative ones? A person can show love but can’t express their anger about what someone said about them or to them. It’s weird.
Personally, it’s a slim picking of who can hurt my feelings. I’m a tough individual and I don’t let people get to me because my mama taught me about giving people power. Especially mfs I don’t really know or who don’t really know me UNLESS you cross a line. Then yea, I’m gonna be mad and I have been.

I’m who I am online and offline.

So is it perfectly fine to show positive emotions but not negative ones? A person can show love but can’t express their anger about what someone said about them or to them. It’s weird.
You know, if ima play devils advocate. That second paragraph is basically...


Ya mean...

U guilty of that
Me personally I don't have the patience to go back & forth arguing with someone online.

I think it becomes can issue when folks take it TOO seriously. Wake up at the azzz crack of dawn...jump on the...jump on the computer and pick up where they left off beefing .

But meh...to each their own.
Me personally I don't have the patience to go back & forth arguing with someone online.

I think it becomes can issue when folks take it TOO seriously. Wake up at the azzz crack of dawn...jump on the...jump on the computer and pick up where they left off beefing .

But meh...to each their own.
Would you do that if it were positive exchanges?

Wake your ass up at the crack of dawn...jump on the computer...and finish spreading love where you left off?
Would you do that if it were positive exchanges?

Wake your ass up at the crack of dawn...jump on the computer...and finish spreading love where you left off?


By now yall should know what time I get up. Love...hate...IP ain't gettin up that early to spread none of that.
I don’t know if we discussed this already but whatever. I’m over here with a brain full of questions.

Why is it frowned upon to show feelings via the Internet? Are we not real people with real feelings behind a screen? WHO gets to decide whether it is right or wrong for you to feel some way from what people on the Internet say about or two you?

So just because it’s the Internet, someone can’t get mad about what someone said or are they only allowed to be mad if it’s said in person?

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spill those questions...

and niggas cant control themselves.

if you catch feeling on the netz ...you beat women