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What's the age of some of the oldest things you currently own? How much has changed about the product since you bought it?


Cracka free since 2009; Strictly Business 🫱🏿‍🫲
Site Administrator
My fridge of 13 years finally went out on me.

Since i bought this, they now put tvs and shit on the front of the fridge. I demo'd one in the store yesterday and that bitch can scan ya shit in the inside and tell you what is in it so you dont have to open it. I know it's probably purely for the flex but got damn I started to just get that bitch anyway cause i was gonna get the special 0% no APR rate if you paid it off in x amount of time. I'm sure it has other functions but still, it was nice af and I was like damn, all my other shit did was give ice and filtered water.

My car is also about 13 years old.
Back when I got it, rear cameras were just starting to be a thing, and now it seems that is pretty standard on cars these days. Also they now have the motion detectors in side mirrors and shit and heated/cooling seats are no longer reserved for the upper tier of vehicles. I also own a stick shift. I can't imagine many dealerships with these actually on the lot and dont have to get them sent from another location.

anyway,...add on
Recently found a pair of Alpina sunglasses I had. Gold rim jawns.

they were in at the time but not anymore.

I looked around to get them repaired and they are now considered vintage and in display cases in the HQ. now collectors seek them for like 3-5 times the cost.
Gotta be like 20yrs old
Emmitt Smith jersey and a pair of Rocawear and Sean John jeans

I font think they make jeans like this anymore

They are over 20 years old and i still rock em
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Paul pierce jersey I bought in like 04-05. All the numbers and lettering been came off lol. I still wear it around the house tho.
Yeah them fridges mean. It's so much fly shit out here now
yeah that's throwback for real

they making a comeback though. Was in the city a couple weekends ago
My daughter be playing with this toy dog I used to play with as a baby. Still works and makes noises too.