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COVID vaccination site closes early after adverse reactions to Johnson & Johnson shot

I remember when people on this website gave us shit for being skeptical...
Man, dudes trying to tell me and I work in the industry at each level ...From concept to consumer.

Called antivaxxer and all.

No matter what you show, the non experienced know more. They know better. My aunt lost her life to not listening.

And niggas still look at it like it ain't them and I feel fine.

How any people have cancer for years and feel fine?

All I say is to be educated on making the decision to take it.

mRNA isn't exactly new but it's newly registered. Study what it is.
Study how this shit is made.
If you still want to take it...Fine. but have enough info to articulate why you taking it.

Niggas still getting covid after fully vaccinated and yet people think they in the clear.

If you gettin vaccinated plz be mindful of what’s goin in your body. Idk why ppl even thought Johnson & Johnson was legit. They were sued not that long ago for their products causing ovarian cancer so idk how they became worthy of any medical practices.
Pfizer has the most payouts
There's 3 different vaccines. 1 having an issue doesn't speak to all 3 different vaccines all being bad. For some, as seen in this thread, this is confirmation bias in that many were looking for an "I told you so" moments. Hundreds of millions have been vaccinated with no side effects but this small group who've experienced side effects, which happens with alot of vaccines so this isn't something abnormal, is all of a sudden enough proof to throw everything out the window? That don't add up. Getting more information is one thing but alot of yall in here only want more information that confirms what you already wanna believe.
Man, dudes trying to tell me and I work in the industry at each level ...From concept to consumer.

Called antivaxxer and all.

No matter what you show, the non experienced know more. They know better. My aunt lost her life to not listening.

And niggas still look at it like it ain't them and I feel fine.

How any people have cancer for years and feel fine?

All I say is to be educated on making the decision to take it.

mRNA isn't exactly new but it's newly registered. Study what it is.
Study how this shit is made.
If you still want to take it...Fine. but have enough info to articulate why you taking it.

Niggas still getting covid after fully vaccinated and yet people think they in the clear.


Condolences to your fam on the loss. I saw you said you'd update on if the vaccine has anything to do with her passing. Any word on that?

People have started to get vaccinated then began moving around like everything is over. We still gotta take precautions to not catch covid ourselves or pass it along to someone who hasn't been vaccinated yet. That seems to be the disconnect ive seen happening.
There's 3 different vaccines. 1 having an issue doesn't speak to all 3 different vaccines all being bad. For some, as seen in this thread, this is confirmation bias in that many were looking for an "I told you so" moments. Hundreds of millions have been vaccinated with no side effects but this small group who've experienced side effects, which happens with alot of vaccines so this isn't something abnormal, is all of a sudden enough proof to throw everything out the window? That don't add up. Getting more information is one thing but alot of yall in here only want more information that confirms what you already wanna believe.
To be clear the crux of "i told you so" isn't people like myself being right to be skeptical about overnight vaccines, its in making yall look like stupid for always pushing back against black people who dont conform
The thing they are doing is showing that only a few out of such and such million thus happened to. So it's a very small percentage. That makes it safe.

A small percentage is a small percentage until it's your family.

People have been using that same logic of only a small percentage dying, and the posts are on this site still, to downplay the severity of the virus too. That bad faith logic has been going both ways
To be clear the crux of "i told you so" isn't people like myself being right to be skeptical about overnight vaccines, its in making yall look like stupid for always pushing back against black people who dont conform

Your idea of conformity is already warped. You view anyone who doesn't hold your opinions as conforming so when people like you speak on it then yeah you'll be dismissed quicker than someone who isn't making an argument based on bad logic
Your idea of conformity is already warped. You view anyone who doesn't hold your opinions as conforming so when people like you speak on it then yeah you'll be dismissed quicker than someone who isn't making an argument based on bad logic

My logic has been spot on thus far

The vaccines, politicians and agendas yall support and advocate for been proven faulty, period. I stood on it and have been proven correct

My logic has been spot on thus far

The vaccines, politicians and agendas yall support and advocate for been proven faulty, period. I stood on it and have been proven correct

Yeah your logic of being pro anybody who tells you what you wanna hear is one people should follow. Nobody should take you seriously after you went on months of anti voting rants just to turn around and say you would've voted for Kanye if he supported reparation. If it's that easy to trick you into supporting a position you're gullible as hell
Condolences to your fam on the loss. I saw you said you'd update on if the vaccine has anything to do with her passing. Any word on that?

People have started to get vaccinated then began moving around like everything is over. We still gotta take precautions to not catch covid ourselves or pass it along to someone who hasn't been vaccinated yet. That seems to be the disconnect ive seen happening.
thank you.

Real talk..My family are dumbasses.

When she passed her kids spent three days literally fighting in the streets over her house. Then decided on an autopsy.

It came back inconclusive and said they waited too long to get the autopsy.
But that it could have just been a coincidence.

All bullshit.

She went to the hospital because she wasn't feeling good after her shot and passed hours later.

Now for me I can understand, some things will happen to some that won't happen to others......I get that. But it's not enough transparency. They don’t even know what to look for yet to say it’s the vaccine. So I’m going off her not feeling well and going to the hospital si soon afterwards.

is this an assumption because it’s no data to confirm? In theory yes. But it’s also not any data to say it wasn’t. Add shitty greedy kids in and we have nothing.
thank you.

Real talk..My family are dumbasses.

When she passed her kids spent three days literally fighting in the streets over her house. Then decided on an autopsy.

It came back inconclusive and said they waited too long to get the autopsy.
But that it could have just been a coincidence.

All bullshit.

She went to the hospital because she wasn't feeling good after her shot and passed hours later.

Now for me I can understand, some things will happen to some that won't happen to others......I get that. But it's not enough transparency. They don’t even know what to look for yet to say it’s the vaccine. So I’m going off her not feeling well and going to the hospital si soon afterwards.

is this an assumption because it’s no data to confirm? In theory yes. But it’s also not any data to say it wasn’t. Add shitty greedy kids in and we have nothing.

Death often brings out the worst in families and long buried drama. Sorry you had to go through that for real.

As for the rest, it just goes back to what i said about confirmation bias. If you wanna believe it was the vaccine then it's already confirmed in your mind and ain't shit changing that. I say that to say if you're going into any discussions with your mind already made up then it shouldn't be a shock when people don't wanna have a discussion or debate about some shit you ain't changing your mind over.
Death often brings out the worst in families and long buried drama. Sorry you had to go through that for real.

As for the rest, it just goes back to what i said about confirmation bias. If you wanna believe it was the vaccine then it's already confirmed in your mind and ain't shit changing that. I say that to say if you're going into any discussions with your mind already made up then it shouldn't be a shock when people don't wanna have a discussion or debate about some shit you ain't changing your mind over.
i get all you saying but if people can provide me with proven data ...i am open to admit i was wrong.

im not going to say the vaccine is deadly because i lost someone. just like i wont say covid aint deadly because i didnt lose someone.

i am always open to learn but i am also a person who would make a connection until proven wrong.

and since i am closer to this than most.....i can say for sure the data aint adding up nor can or should people be so sure any vaccine is a fix all or fix it.

i would love for someone ...anyone to prove me wrong outside of well 20 mill got it and they cool. because it dont work like that.

i have my stance because i know what goes into this and i need someone to prove their stance outside of how they feel or play with percentages.

trust me when i say..its a cure for damn near everything.....but its a reason it didnt reach the public.
i get all you saying but if people can provide me with proven data ...i am open to admit i was wrong.

im not going to say the vaccine is deadly because i lost someone. just like i wont say covid aint deadly because i didnt lose someone.

i am always open to learn but i am also a person who would make a connection until proven wrong.

and since i am closer to this than most.....i can say for sure the data aint adding up nor can or should people be so sure any vaccine is a fix all or fix it.

i would love for someone ...anyone to prove me wrong outside of well 20 mill got it and they cool. because it dont work like that.

i have my stance because i know what goes into this and i need someone to prove their stance outside of how they feel or play with percentages.

trust me when i say..its a cure for damn near everything.....but its a reason it didnt reach the public.

That's just it though. I've only seen regular people say or put out there that now that they got the vaccine they're all good. Im seeing more and more people get mad at and say people like Dr. Fauci are being fear mongers when they say stuff like even if you've been vaccinated you should still move around cautiously.

Just as last year the information on covid changed as more time passed and more was discovered about the disease led some to say "oh so what yall said in April 2020 dont hold up anymore in December?" People don't really embrace new information like that and instead use it to try and discredit anything said before then without realizing that as we learn more of course the information will change. Same with the vaccine. As time goes on of course information and things said initially may not be the same. That's how research works.
That's just it though. I've only seen regular people say or put out there that now that they got the vaccine they're all good. Im seeing more and more people get mad at and say people like Dr. Fauci are being fear mongers when they say stuff like even if you've been vaccinated you should still move around cautiously.

Just as last year the information on covid changed as more time passed and more was discovered about the disease led some to say "oh so what yall said in April 2020 dont hold up anymore in December?" People don't really embrace new information like that and instead use it to try and discredit anything said before then without realizing that as we learn more of course the information will change. Same with the vaccine. As time goes on of course information and things said initially may not be the same. That's how research works.
i agree.
but until i have something to articulate.......i fall back on what i seen and learned and know about how these things work. and most of the professionals im connected too wont go no where near this and know this is all a gamble.

so stay safe and educated.