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Men With Daughters.. Got A Question For Ya

Interesting question because at that point I would’ve put them in a position where they wouldn’t have to do that type of stuff. Chicks do OF because it’s quick and lucrative. Well I ain’t rich, but finances thankfully are not an issue for my family and hopefully will not be when my girls are 18.

Ion know man, I’d really still feel some type of way about myself if they took that path.
If I had a daughter, I’d be wondering why she would even WANNA do that kinda stuff.
If theres one thing men with daughters love to do. Its sitting around and thinking about her being in compromised positions and how her troubles make you look as a man. In fact .I have an alert on my phone to remind me that I havent put enough thought into

At no point did I ever suggest anything that ridiculous, bruh.

You mentioned “if she knows her father”, and that might be part of the problem.

If he wasn’t around, he SHOULD be held somewhat accountable for how his daughter turned out.

I never said anything about a father encouraging (cheerleading) his daughter to be a ho. What kinda nonsense is that?

I never said you suggested that, but if he isn't doing anything to encourage her bad behavior, then why would he deserve blame for it?

That's the point. You're right though, if he was absent and it was his fault, then he should be held accountable particularly if part of the reason she's doing what she's doing is due to her not getting that good male influence coming up.
Yall do know some women actually enjoy their sexuality and are not ashamed? That means that sometimes, it is not on the parents. Kids are gonna do things that a parent will not find out about. Kids have more than just their parents they hang around. Outside influences contributes to kid's decision making.
Man stop putting your world views on everyone else.

You definition of proper aint everyones definition of proper.

If you want to raise your daughter in a way where shes thinks its wrong to show her body on cam, do that. More power to you.

For all we know, this chicks pops might have raised her to be sexually free and be a money maker, and he might be proud of her for making all this money.

Neither is right or wrong. Gon head pass your principles to your kids, but dont hold anyone outside of your family to your definition of right or wrong.
Man stop putting your world views on everyone else.

You definition of proper aint everyones definition of proper.

If you want to raise your daughter in a way where shes thinks its wrong to show her body on cam, do that. More power to you.

For all we know, this chicks pops might have raised her to be sexually free and be a money maker, and he might be proud of her for making all this money.

Neither is right or wrong. Gon head pass your principles to your kids, but dont hold anyone outside of your family to your definition of right or wrong.

Would you apply this to racist folks?
Would you apply this to racist folks?

I never thought racism will ever go away.

I always said mfers can hate me all they want as long as they dont anyway.

Systematic racism is what needs to be fought. Dont let someone be at a disadvantage due to their race in the system.

Other than that, if a mfer wants to hate me in a way he cant do shit to me, let him knock himself out. And if be makes that hate public and disrespects me on some racist shit, im knocking his ass out.