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You know why you dont make friends with coworkers? Cuz when it comes times to tell them what to do or correct their behavior they get all pissed off and start playing fuckin games.

I've had to deal with that 3-4 times now when I took a management position.

I'm the king of game of thrones in the workplace if they wanna go that route.
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Hospital says its having a hard time getting masks. No fucking kidding!??! Us 7 billion civilians have em all.
No caribana this year but my nigga still doing the bbq today. Teeth fucked up and I'm on antibiotics so I can't eat bbq or drink. So I'm probably just gonna stay home sad. Probably for the better anyway even tho the city is opened back up. I miss my niggas but I don't want to go out into this shit too soon.

One tooth extraction and one root canal tmrw or Monday morning. Smmfh.

The power in my building went out and the apartment was hot as shit so I caved and drove over there lol.

It was a good time. Watching niggas eat mad steak, chicken and ribs was rough tho. I wanted some so bad. But I'm scared to eat anything that might be a hard chew or is too hot or cold rn. My nigga was clowing offering me pudding cups and yogurt.
No caribana this year but my nigga still doing the bbq today. Teeth fucked up and I'm on antibiotics so I can't eat bbq or drink. So I'm probably just gonna stay home sad. Probably for the better anyway even tho the city is opened back up. I miss my niggas but I don't want to go out into this shit too soon.

One tooth extraction and one root canal tmrw or Monday morning. Smmfh.

What is Toronto BBQ like? Do y'all have your own style like damn near every state in the Southern U.S.?
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