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What exactly is being anti semitic?

It's crazy how people saw a man killed in TV an can still find a way to ask about the whole story....Yet I was in I think Budapest and they have shoes on the side of the river and that got people crying.

Like wtf
It should because me as a black man always need proof.

Crazy how people can have guilt buy with black people....People be in some well that wasn't me it was my ancestors.

Do you have proof Julius Caesar existed?

And Jews are a unique group that has been both the victims and benefactors of white privilege
As a 80s baby I’m starting to see on my own that all this shit is “Groundhog Day” and the same issues/situations just pop up every couple years and play out the same way...

...I don’t smoke enough weed to subscribe to the “life is a simulation” theory, but the older I get I will say this shit is definitely a pattern - I just gotta figure out how to profit off the pattern because if not we’re all just going thru the same ass shit every couple years for no reason.

Its easy to see why Jews would be offended by what Nick Cannon said imo. You dont have to disagree with what he said to see it being objectively offensive.

Imagine you believe in a religion, and someone says you stole it from their people and that you and your people are fake adherents. ofcourse you get offended.

The facts dont matter much in this case. Wether the original hebrews were black or the same hebrews that are there today, they still all died out over two thousand years ago. And the average jew isnt going to know the history. To the average jew, youre basically telling him the religion they were born into is false.

Its objectively their right to be offended by it.

This doesnt mean I agree with Nick Cannon being fired btw. Im just coming at it from an objective standpoint.

I dont like the fact that racism against jews is treated like its worse than racism agaisnt anyone else. Racism is racism imo. But racism against jews is put on the pedestal like its the worse than any other type of racism, and so any type of offensive language against jews is followed by a disporportianate reaction.

That shit dont sit right with me. You can criticize any race/religion except jews. You can sit here and say white people are generally racist and be ok. You can say Muslims are close minded and get a pass. But soon as you say ANYTHING but jews, its a huge deal and you get fired. Thats wrong and dont sit well with me.

To me, no one should be racist against any race or religion, and all races and religions should be respected. But at the same time, no one is above criticism and I should be allowed to criticize the treatment of Palestinians by Israel and not get branded a racist or anti semetic

First two post nailed it.. it aint ours to answer ... and this post was solid..

i raised this point yesterday when it happen to Muslims, Blacks,Asians or Latins and its unquestionable its up for a debate.. You never see a debate around the perceptions on whether something is anti semetic .. there are no panels that have face offs that argue about it... There is a conversation that more progressive forward thinking Jews need to have about the perception and reality of what is anti semetic and they need to stop letting white supremacist use them as a wedge
First two post nailed it.. it aint ours to answer ... and this post was solid..

i raised this point yesterday when it happen to Muslims, Blacks,Asians or Latins and its unquestionable its up for a debate.. You never see a debate around the perceptions on whether something is anti semetic .. there are no panels that have face offs that argue about it... There is a conversation that more progressive forward thinking Jews need to have about the perception and reality of what is anti semetic and they need to stop letting white supremacist use them as a wedge
So these are other good points

I wonder why, for the most part, an overwhelming majority don't publicly denounce the mistreatment of black folks
Nah America as a whole denied they were being killed for years, until they went over and saw it themselves, AFTER Pearl Harbor. America operates under massive guilt due to that, bc they could have saved millions if they had gotten involved sooner.

There were nazi sympathizers and eugenics supporters in the U.S. and Britain. And if I remember correctly nazi Germany got their eugenics rhetoric from the British.
Holocaust guilt

They basically have a blank check when it comes to outrage

But no one wants to talk about the fact that we deserve the same treatment post-slavery. The guilt hit em (“the West”) different when it’s black bodies being slaughtered.
Not sure where to start. Guess I'll start with some WW2 history:

Did you know that Hitler admired Amerikkka's policies of native extermination and racist enslavement and wanted Germany to do it on a bigger faster scale...?

They literally had a detailed plan to conquer everything east of Germany for a thousand miles. Then, the plan was to kill off between 50% to 100% of the native slavic populations (depending on the region) and work the rest to death as sterilized slaves. The plans for Africa were more vague, but Hitler's basic idea was to divide it between German colonies (who already committed the 1st Genocide of the 20th Century) and a White South African empire.

Nah America as a whole denied they were being killed for years, until they went over and saw it themselves, AFTER Pearl Harbor. America operates under massive guilt due to that, bc they could have saved millions if they had gotten involved sooner.

Before WW2, Amerikkka was turning away whole boats of Jewish refugees begging for safety from the Nazis.

If you look at the arc of world history, the Nazis really were the ones that gave Racism & Eugenics a bad name. "Scientific Racism" was 100% normal and mainstream until the death camp photos started coming out. Of course white people didnt bat an eye at Black Wall Street or Wounded Knee - it was only when they saw thousands of emaciated WHITE corpses being bulldozed into mass graves that (some of them) realized (sorta) how evil racism could be. It was only when Hitler did in EUROPE what Europeans had been slowly doing in Africa, Asia, the Americas for centuries, that it started to sink in.

It's REALLY not a coincidence that the Civil Rights Movement only gained steam after WW2....
thanks to everyone for the responses

I'm really learning some things I was completely ignorant to
To be for real everything he was kicking was ??. But in this fake ass bs world we live in he got the response he got. He said too much though and shoulda know what was coming. The origin of Judaism largely has its roots in ancient Ethiopia/Kemet and original Hebrews were black this is facts.
Also Jewish is not even a race, it's more of an ethnic religious designation.
To be for real everything he was kicking was ??. But in this fake ass bs world we live in he got the response he got. He said too much though and shoulda know what was coming. The origin of Judaism largely has its roots in ancient Ethiopia/Kemet and original Hebrews were black this is facts.
Also Jewish is not even a race, it's more of an ethnic religious designation.
Abraham was from the middle east how are their roots in Egypt?
To me it means being anti Jewish mostly. But most Jews we know of in the us are white askenazi Jews. But idk why they call it anti Semitic when Semitic is a language group and Arabs and Ethiopians are also Semitic
Which again begs the question...

why is it only a problem when its directed toward the white Jews?
Abraham was from the middle east how are their roots in Egypt?

Moses is credited with writing the Torah/first five books of the Bible and was learned in all the mysteries of the ancient Egytians. The Exodus story is not literal but it's where much of the doctrine got its roots. You still have Ethiopian Jews today.
Moses is credited with writing the Torah/first five books of the Bible and was learned in all the mysteries of the ancient Egytians. The Exodus story is not literal but it's where much of the doctrine got its roots. You still have Ethiopian Jews today.
I'm aware and my point is theirs roots aren't in African it's in the ancient city of Ur.

Jews don't run the planet at all and they never did and never will.

Whites and Chinese are fighting for supremacy and whites are losing power globally
I'm aware and my point is theirs roots aren't in African it's in the ancient city of Ur.

Jews don't run the planet at all and they never did and never will.

Whites and Chinese are fighting for supremacy and whites are losing power globally

Nah their roots were in Egypt before the 'exodus story' bro I don't think you're following. I'm saying Judaism was an offshoot from ancient Kemet than went into middle East and got further influenced etc
And yet its whites but more specifically white jews.