NXT Thread (6/4)

I wonder if Kurt is trying to slip into a referee role or some shit or if they just like using him for matches that are built as "Wrestling" matches cus he ref'd a match not long ago that kind of had the same rules didn't he?

cant remember who was in it but it was on either RAW or SD
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Watchin Asuka's 1st match against Dana Brook.

The NXT crowd then>>>>>>>current crowd b4 covid. They were LIVE...AS...FUCC!

Asuka mocking Dana Brook's intro pose...hilarious.

Them chanting "ASUKA GONNA KILL YOU" had me rollin. Lol!!
Actually excited for this triple threat cause Kushida and Atlas had great matches in the other rounds and then there's the Drake Maverick story.

wouldn't be surprised if hes done tonight
the fact dude is gay and his finisher is called the rainbow DDT...

i can’t lie. it’s pretty creative
I think Kushida about to turn, he been showing more aggression wit that armbar

I honestly didnt think Maverick would advance either