Youtuber Miko Worldwide arrested for pedo-ism


Unverified Legion of Trill member
Apr 4, 2017
We really gotta do a better job and reporting the news.
@StringerBell does a great job but we be behind the ball sometimes.


So I been watching youtube and notice this young dude that travels around recording his travels and interactions with those he runs into.
He spent alot of time in the DR.....ran into other youtubers and what not an all seemed well at first.

then the other youtubers seemed to turn on him. people called them haters and said they was jealous.

But this Miko dude.....held a food drive, did a sally fields type commercial to get donations to get the food drive going.

Then it seems like he went to carnival and hired a young dude to show him around......turns out dude stole his shit in the middle of the night. But again people was saying he was trying to sleep with the dude and dude bounced.

Then the rumors started that he was gay. Then the rumors he owed money.

But he still moved and relocated within the DR for the next couple weeks.

Then he went on to Berlin and then Spain and then Colombia.

and now here we are.

he was arrested in Medellin Colombia on suspicion of raping kids in the DR.

Also turns out he had rape charges back in the of them leaving a young kid tied up and in the trunk.

Now everyone is exposing their stories about him.......but this will lead to another thread.

but for right now......sadly.....dude was able to go to another country and take advantage of kids after taking advantage of kids in the States.

we really need to speak about how we can stop these types dudes.
Oshay did a few videos about it.

Basically how his actions are going to put a target on other black men who travel because people are gonna start labeling them as pedos when they aren't.

Said some of these cats should've spoke out against him as soon as they found out what he was about.........but now their silence is bringing that whole "traveling black men/passport brothers movement into question.

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Oshay did a few videos about it.

Basically how his actions are going to put a target on other black men who travel because people are gonna start labeling them as pedos when they aren't.

Said some of these cats should've spoke out against him as soon as they found out what he was about.........but now their silence is bringing that whole "traveling black men/passport brothers movement into question.

thing is....i feel like this is making all black american men look bad in general.

because they knew someothing but still kinda welcomed him.
2. they guys who said he seemed weird...were all dark skinned black men. i been reading the comments and alot of people didnt beleive them an said they was hating. and it appeared to be around colorism to me.
3. people talked about his smile and his tone and what he was doing for the community......this is the part i dont like.

i do shit for an orphanage there......i do not want to be looked at as a pedo because of this idiot but unfortunately....people of all races and cultures lump us all in together. just like only black men go to the DR to fuck on the women. and thats the only reason.

i truly hate any nigga who makes my job harder.
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and also about the silence......this is apart of the problem within our community.

the silence.
i watched some of those dudes an they DID say something but was called haters and silenceD.

but the question is why? because dude was likable?

this is what we truly need to make a thread on.
black men tried but was silenced.
but now they gotta pay. how is that ok?

think about it....all the dudes were dark skinned and the pedo was light skinned with a big smile.
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Oshay did a few videos about it.

Basically how his actions are going to put a target on other black men who travel because people are gonna start labeling them as pedos when they aren't.

Said some of these cats should've spoke out against him as soon as they found out what he was about.........but now their silence is bringing that whole "traveling black men/passport brothers movement into question.

He Latin tho ainā€™t he
He Latin tho ainā€™t he

Nah, he's quote/unquote "mixed."

His father is german, somebody pointed out early on in the first video.......if you saw him on the street and didn't know his'd think he was just a regular black dude.

Basically, it doesn't matter if he's mixed, latino, or @DOS_patos said.........people are gonna look at him as black because he looks black.

And, unfortunately, right or wrong.......this is gonna reflect poorly on all black men.

Especially those who travel abroad.
I am sure you will find that most of these vloggers that mainly travel thru rural parts of asia, latin america, africa and Jamaica are in fact sexual deviants.
first....this is untrue...

and second....the guys that speak about the women gets hitz on their page.

its whole groups of black people that travel for the culture and the learn about the world.
do guys travel for the women....yes. dudes who are hoes are hoes locally and internationally.

so please dont put that on black dudes that travel. even tho you said vloggers and didnt specify.....we are speaking of black men.

we have enough to deal with, would you agree?
first....this is untrue...

and second....the guys that speak about the women gets hitz on their page.

its whole groups of black people that travel for the culture and the learn about the world.
do guys travel for the women....yes. dudes who are hoes are hoes locally and internationally.

so please dont put that on black dudes that travel. even tho you said vloggers and didnt specify.....we are speaking of black men.

we have enough to deal with, would you agree?
You acknowledged that I didn't specify race, which means your post does not pertain to mine.

He aint the first that got caught wont be the last.

Tying race to a issue that seems uniquely class-based is fucking stupid and will cause the wrong people to take notice.

The stereotype dont exist yet, but it damn sure will if yall keep sensationalizing everything we do.

Need to learn the difference between class and race based.

It will help a bunch of yall.
we really need to speak about how we can stop these types dudes.

I hate to be that guy, but hear me out on this:

We can't stop them. It is simply not possible.

Now, I hate to sound like a pessimist, but check it: There is no way to know who is a pedo and who isn't. No way to know if he/she is a pedo and willing to act out on it or if they're the type that knows that about themselves and tries their best to keep it in check. The only time you find out is when one of them acts out, and at that point it's too late; a child has become a victim. And I'm really only referring to adults that do this shit, not really children that victimize other children because I believe something else is in play with that kinda shit, but if it's caught and dealt with early on it doesn't have a chance to reoccur later in life.

The only thing you can do is keep your eyes open and teach your children that it's wrong for any adult, teenager, or even another child to touch them sexually and if it happens they need to report it immediately. That's all we can do. Stay vigilant and keep the lines of communication open with your children.

The other thing we can do is to help those people that believe they're pedos to come forward and seek help. This will require a shift in the culture because right now those individuals struggling with it have to deal with it in silence, and that's never a good thing because it can exacerbate an issue like this until one day it rears it's head and they violate a child. The social stigma behind being a pedophile is tricky; on the one hand we don't want those people around kids, damned sure not our own, and rightfully so because ain't nobody trying to have a child that's been victimized like that. On the other hand keeping that stigma intact for people that have those feelings but have never acted out against a child cripples any effort to help them, and that's going to be a difficult one to overcome. I'm not saying welcome them with open arms, I'm saying don't demonize the people that are honest about their struggle and are looking for a way to fix this about themselves. That way they come out of the shadows and have a shot at a normal life and we reduce the number of incidents like this nigga here to as close to zero as we can get it.
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I hate to be that guy, but hear me out on this:

We can't stop them. It is simply not possible.

Now, I hate to sound like a pessimist, but check it: There is no way to know who is a pedo and who isn't. No way to know if he/she is a pedo and willing to act out on it or if they're the type that knows that about themselves and tries their best to keep it in check. The only time you find out is when one of them acts out, and at that point it's too late; a child has become a victim. And I'm really only referring to adults that do this shit, not really children that victimize other children because I believe something else is in play with that kinda shit, but if it's caught and dealt with early on it doesn't have a chance to reoccur later in life.

The only thing you can do is keep your eyes open and teach your children that it's wrong for any adult, teenager, or even another child to touch them sexually and if it happens they need to report it immediately. That's all we can do. Stay vigilant and keep the lines of communication open with your children.

The other thing we can do is to help those people that believe they're pedos to come forward and seek help. This will require a shift in the culture because right now those individuals struggling with it have to deal with it in silence, and that's never a good thing because it can exacerbate an issue like this until one day it rears it's head and they violate a child. The social stigma behind being a pedophile is tricky; on the one hand we don't want those people around kids, damned sure not our own, and rightfully so because ain't nobody trying to have a child that's been victimized like that. On the other hand keeping that stigma intact for people that have those feelings but have never acted out against a child cripples any effort to help them, and that's going to be a difficult one to overcome. I'm not saying welcome them with open arms, I'm saying don't demonize the people that are honest about their struggle and are looking for a way to fix this about themselves. That way they come out of the shadows and have a shot at a normal life and we reduce the number of incidents like this nigga here to as close to zero as we can get it.
i totally agree with everything you said.

bu check this speaking of this manner.....the way that some people overlook certain things because of shit thats not important.

i know alot of people that was molested because of who mom let be around them.
the woman blinded by whatever that she didnt protect the child. even after the child told the mother..
i never heard of a dude with custody of his child an having a suspicion an letting it ride until too late.

in this case...people was called haters because dude looked innocent and held himself like he was i dont know what to call it..non threatening...but some dudes picked up funny vibes regardless.

we as men should not be shamed into looking the other way...and thats what i felt like happened here.
its crazy we often here whos not protecting the community but then are told we may be hating if we point out that someone is moving weird just because people like the person.

i often speak on this.

i honestly think we can do more to stop holding everyone accountable that looked the other way.
them dudes who pick up high school girls......and the dudes who act like they didnt see it happening or chalked it up as a girl being too fast.


maybe we need to talk to our boys too like we talk to our girls. its alot of dudes who are overly aggressive because they wasnt protected and molested.

this shit doesnt have to be like this.

like this dude gave a kid drugs, raped him and placed him in the trunk. this was in Georgia.

I dont innocence should be protected. always.
and when it could be stopped or looked into closer but people was frustrated out of looking deeper.......because he looked non threatening and people liked him. a kid was touched.

yes we didnt know until afterwards..
i think sometimes the signs are there and need to be looked at closer.
im ranting.
i totally agree with everything you said.

bu check this speaking of this manner.....the way that some people overlook certain things because of shit thats not important.

i know alot of people that was molested because of who mom let be around them.
the woman blinded by whatever that she didnt protect the child. even after the child told the mother..
i never heard of a dude with custody of his child an having a suspicion an letting it ride until too late.

in this case...people was called haters because dude looked innocent and held himself like he was i dont know what to call it..non threatening...but some dudes picked up funny vibes regardless.

we as men should not be shamed into looking the other way...and thats what i felt like happened here.
its crazy we often here whos not protecting the community but then are told we may be hating if we point out that someone is moving weird just because people like the person.

i often speak on this.

i honestly think we can do more to stop holding everyone accountable that looked the other way.
them dudes who pick up high school girls......and the dudes who act like they didnt see it happening or chalked it up as a girl being too fast.


maybe we need to talk to our boys too like we talk to our girls. its alot of dudes who are overly aggressive because they wasnt protected and molested.

this shit doesnt have to be like this.

like this dude gave a kid drugs, raped him and placed him in the trunk. this was in Georgia.

I dont innocence should be protected. always.
and when it could be stopped or looked into closer but people was frustrated out of looking deeper.......because he looked non threatening and people liked him. a kid was touched.

yes we didnt know until afterwards..
i think sometimes the signs are there and need to be looked at closer.
im ranting.

The difficulty is interpreting "signs", it's easy to say look for signs, harder to say that what you've observed actually means "he/she's touching kids". Even the whole sex tourism shit: middle aged white man goes to Thailand by himself frequently. By itself it raises eyebrows because we all know that Thailand is one of the destinations pedos frequent. But what if that's not it? What if he's a closet homo with a thing for ladybois? So he's gonna get watched simply because the place he's frequenting is known for one thing but he's going for something totally different.

We just gotta be careful and vigilant.
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LOL @ 1 black pedo tourist making all black people look bad. How many white pedos will it take before white people start getting skittish about travel? I'm so over this "x makes us all look bad" mentality. Look bad to who? People who judge us for this that and the other regardless? Let your nuts hang. If you ain't a pedo don't worry about shit like this unless it's how to prevent it.
Yeah, this doesn't associate with all blacks. Sometimes, you have to let that mentality go. There is a stigma that Catholic priest do this. There is a stigma that rich Hollywood or billionaires do this. This is not a color thing.
LOL @ 1 black pedo tourist making all black people look bad. How many white pedos will it take before white people start getting skittish about travel? I'm so over this "x makes us all look bad" mentality. Look bad to who? People who judge us for this that and the other regardless? Let your nuts hang. If you ain't a pedo don't worry about shit like this unless it's how to prevent it.

facts we keep doing this and we always do it. Thatā€™s why I didnā€™t like Cosby rant or that black people vs niggas thing

some situations itā€™s true but not for this
Whats crazy is I saw this story on worldstar but didnt click cuz i didnt know who he was & they'll call anyone a "youtuber" these days. But a few days ago I somehow ended up on 1 of his videos. I only watched a lil of this because I thought the guys in it were corny weirdos.

He was basically in DR with some other guy and they were just walking around filming women like creeps & harassing them. Every once in a while they'd try and spit game. But it was the lamest shit ever that never works. They'd do lame shit like this for example. A woman would be walking by on the opposite direction and dude he was with would str8 up block her and not let her by. All while standing inches from her face and staring at her. Then try to holla at her, smh.

I glanced at his thumbnails & descriptions for his video and this seems to be the theme for all his videos of his "Travels". Its nothing like the other real travel yt channels.

Only reason I made the connection to this, is because I checked the comments to see what cornballs think this is cool and someone dropped the news story link and called him a pedo.
  • Ether
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LOL @ 1 black pedo tourist making all black people look bad. How many white pedos will it take before white people start getting skittish about travel? I'm so over this "x makes us all look bad" mentality. Look bad to who? People who judge us for this that and the other regardless? Let your nuts hang. If you ain't a pedo don't worry about shit like this unless it's how to prevent it.
As usual....We need to agree to disagree.
You touched on only a fraction of what's being said.

It's not just one..It's not just about dude. It's about a lot more than that dude.

So you have a point if we stop there. But thats not where it stops.