FEATURED Kobe Bryant Killed in Helicopter Crash: Long Live the Mamba

this might be the thing to get me off Twitter for a while

I understand that even if you never watched an NBA game or just watched when the playoff came on, you knew who Kobe was

but some of these people were just unbearable last night with the cancel the games/cancel the Grammy's shit

like I get it, you think your tweet matters. but explain how you gonna just cancel shit that's been a year (s) in the making

I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to give an opinion on the matter but please, stfu trying to make it seem like people only care about money or the NBA doesn't care about players mental health by not cancelling games. most of them don't even know Kobe was drafted by the hornets then traded on draft night but now all of a sudden you trying to use your platform to talk about how you think other people should be handling this news.

it's one thing to say, I don't know how the players are able to play but it's another to suggest that life should just stop. this is a very very very tragic situation and I'm still struggling with believing this shit is real, but it's ok to feel remorse and keep the topic about that

the last organization I'm not worried about giving Kobe a final farewell is the NBA. I loathe fake woke people.

You are preaching to the choir on this.
The reason that MJ will NEVER EVER be the logo - even if the NBA offered him that honor - is that there is already a logo associated with MJ, maybe the most profitable and powerful log in sports, and there is no reason to dilute that by allowing another official logo of him to exist.
So why can’t kobe get an award named after him?
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So why can’t kobe get an award named after him?

He definitely CAN. I'm not saying he can't, but there aren't a lot of awards that it makes SENSE to be named after him. Here are the one's that really make sense:

ROY award
Championship Trophy
All-Star Game MVP
Dunk Content Winner trophy

That's it really.