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Men In The Black Community Don’t Know How To Be Faithful, Yay or Nay

Men In The Black Community Don’t Know How To Be Faithful

  • Yay.....you see how black women are built?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nay....she think her white man love her better

    Votes: 30 100.0%

  • Total voters
Why yall cant accept that as a whole, black women are marginalized at a greater clip than black men and that truthfully, black men are largely responsible for that...."perception"?

because niggas don’t want to take responsibility because they don’t personally do it. But we expect women to accept us talking shit and not saying anything
Rap music?

For one, I dont recall any rap songs saying specifically black women aint shit. They dont single out black women.

Besides that, fuck you want us to do when women are twerkin and pussy poppin to it, besides raising our daughters and sons with better morals amd self respect.

But if those same women outside the club say don’t call me a bitch or etc niggas be like “this bitch tripping etc” being blind to our shit ain’t helping us with their hang ups and acting like these attitudes aren’t directly related is crazy too. I like gangsta rap but that don’t mean you assume I’m a thug you still gotta respect me right?

and liking ratchet music don’t mean you are ok with disrespect in your personal life
we as a community tear each other down period.
men do it to women and other men.
women do it to other women and men.

but no one wants to say sorry and lets fix it first.....its all finger pointing.

no one will get off the merry go round first.

know why?

both are seeking power.

women should never want power over their man.
how you gonna want to control a nigga but then want him to investigate the bumps heard in the basement?
how you gonna cuss him out in the restaurant but then expect him to fight a nigga in the parking lot for you?

emasculation is a real thing. an some chicks speak that language and are fluent in it.
but why? you breaking down good dudes.

and men need to be men. have a plan for your family. thats the most simpliest thing. but if you are going to be the head ....be the leader.
some chick feel they need to lead because you dont have a plan or know how to execute shit.

but then women need to know how to follow.
all that strong black woman shit.....goes out the window the moment a nigga has loot and she aint gotta work.

our ladies need to stop with the bad boy shit. we know yall have slim picking but its plenty of dudes who aint into fuckery who will take care of his queen.
and dudes need to again...be men.
The comparison to rap music is bad from the start. When Snoop was out there saying "Bitches Ain't Shit" in a song, nobody was taking that as real commentary on the state of black women. People do look at shit like what's in the OP as real exposition. I bring this up all the time, but ya'll remember when ABC News did this a whole special on Black Women in ATL that basically broke down to "Black Men ain't shit," and it was so popular that they did a Part 2 a little while after. Let's be real. There is a difference between News reports and rap songs.

We acting like nobody had a problem with the bitches ain’t shit type of music in the 90s along with the violence too. C Delores Tucker. Like I know y’all seen it. I know y’all know older people who hated rap for those images why we acting like it wasn’t real
Aight...its time, e58723b.gif

Two groups in America that didnt have rights to vote in America were Blacks and Women. I'm not about to give no further on that history lesson but to say that those two groups around the world in general are marginalized.

Not only by others but through conditioning that taught them to be at war wit themselves. Black Women burdened with both of what these two groups had to struggle with. By in large were not at all fucked wit by any group for a large period of time, but black men.

Any white man that took a black woman was seen as a fetishist and her as a bed wench. By both members of her own race and members of other races. By in large the imagery and the ability to project the imagery of the black man. Was in the hands of the black man before it was in the hands of the black women to project herself.

Even when it was in the hands of the black woman, Tina Turner, for one of the most prominent instances. It was by tbe direction of the black man. So yes, black men at the core of it all are responsible for the projected beliefs of the black woman. Which in the long run became the stereotype and the archetype that was held up as the most desirable of the black women..the hoe...the harlot..the down ass bitch

Lawd they dont want me to get to preaching in this bitch hea boi!!

tenor (5).gif
we as a community tear each other down period.
men do it to women and other men.
women do it to other women and men.

but no one wants to say sorry and lets fix it first.....its all finger pointing.

no one will get off the merry go round first.

know why?

both are seeking power.

women should never want power over their man.
how you gonna want to control a nigga but then want him to investigate the bumps heard in the basement?
how you gonna cuss him out in the restaurant but then expect him to fight a nigga in the parking lot for you?

emasculation is a real thing. an some chicks speak that language and are fluent in it.
but why? you breaking down good dudes.

and men need to be men. have a plan for your family. thats the most simpliest thing. but if you are going to be the head ....be the leader.
some chick feel they need to lead because you dont have a plan or know how to execute shit.

but then women need to know how to follow.
all that strong black woman shit.....goes out the window the moment a nigga has loot and she aint gotta work.

our ladies need to stop with the bad boy shit. we know yall have slim picking but its plenty of dudes who aint into fuckery who will take care of his queen.
and dudes need to again...be men.

I agree with all this. We at the point where nobody talking just blaming
What do we mean by fair here? Everybody with sense knows not every black man cheats. She even said so in the clip. But if she talkin bout her experience with black men as a black woman, how is not valid? Cuz it's on tv? If that's what she seen and been through then that's just what it is.

No becauase she tries to make this an issue exclusive to black men despite a non black woman telling her men of all races do the same shit. That's the main issue. She's taking the issue of men cheating and making it a "black men only" thing when men just cheat in general
Aight...its time,View attachment 212571

Two groups in America that didnt have rights to vote in America were Blacks and Women. I'm not about to give no further on that history lesson but to say that those two groups around the world in general are marginalized.

Not only by others but through conditioning that taught them to be at war wit themselves. Black Women burdened with both of what these two groups had to struggle with. By in large were not at all fucked wit by any group for a large period of time, but black men.

Any white man that took a black woman was seen as a fetishist and her as a bed wench. By both members of her own race and members of other races. By in large the imagery and the ability to project the imagery of the black man. Was in the hands of the black man before it was in the hands of the black women to project herself.

Even when it was in the hands of the black woman, Tina Turner, for one of the most prominent instances. It was by tbe direction of the black man. So yes, black men at the core of it all are responsible for the projected beliefs of the black woman. Which in the long run became the stereotype and the archetype that was held up as the most desirable of the black women..the hoe...the harlot..the down ass bitch

Lawd they dont want me to get to preaching in this bitch hea boi!!

View attachment 212582
give a woman access to resources and emascualte her man in front of her.....what will happen?
But if those same women outside the club say don’t call me a bitch or etc niggas be like “this bitch tripping etc” being blind to our shit ain’t helping us with their hang ups and acting like these attitudes aren’t directly related is crazy too. I like gangsta rap but that don’t mean you assume I’m a thug you still gotta respect me right?

and liking ratchet music don’t mean you are ok with disrespect in your personal life

Your point is valid but you moved the goal post.

Your previous point was to make rap music akin to these black men aint shit tours, when it isnt. In fact, anytime black women specifically are dissed by a bitch ass rapper, they get checked riggt away on both sides. What you just stated isnt along those lines. Thats a 1 on 1 scenario.

And again, where is this supposed song "Deez black women iz all hoez" by lil yung dumb won?