OUT NOW Kanye West - "Jesus is King"

Chance hosting SNL tonite

Whats the odds of a kanye surprise guest
Kanye back in y’all hearts lol

Fake ass niggas


We banished this nigga to Coonville and Yeezy buil condos and here y’all come with rent money!
I thought chance album was about how much he loved his wife

The album before it, Kanye stoke his Jesus swag when he was making Life of Pablo and ran with it
Rappers A-Z:
"I fucked your girl...
I came up...
I got big money like...
I got big cars like...
Im high as **played metaphor**...
I get money like **played metaphor**...
*drug dealing*"

This shit tough

Kanye: "Jesus is king"

Yall: "This repetitive/little substance"

U cant make this up
The bars were repetitive, not the subject matter

Each song was like a verse and hook and then repeated