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Men: At what age did you start acting a plum fool?

I got it out the system early . I went wild from like ages 4-6. Moms had to come to school everyday.

After that I was good
12. 14 is when it got to the point I was getting suspended every other month, but a lot of those were because I'd get assigned detention and never went and would get suspended for not going to detention
I was actually bad as hell until some kinda switch flipped at 9, and I was the good kid from there on out
17 I was in the streets heavy doing all types of dumb shit. Quit football failed 11th grade and got locked up. That summer went to summer school got my shit together. I was straight for 18-21.

21 came around a nigga started back in the streets. Shoot outs drugs fights typical nigga shit
I straightened up round 15-16 thats when my dad said he was gone take me outside and whoop my ass like a man. After that it was minimal/ small stuff but nothing major.
Damn one threat and u straightened up

I got my ass whooped for a lot of things when I was like 8 or 9 but I didnt start acting an ass until 7th grade.

I was a good kid up until then but I ended up getting put in a class that was full of trouble making mfs and I fell in line. The thing is I was the perfect student in all my other classes A quiet, teachers pet ass nigga but when it came to this class I was hell and it was cause the teacher was a push over and he let us do whatever we wanted. He would complain about me to the principal and other teachers and none of em would believe him. To make matters worse he was the 8th gr social studies teacher too so he really caught hell.

I never really got punished for anything during that time and once I hit high school my pops would just threaten to shoot my ass If i got outta line with him.
I was wild at 15 in high school. I often hear that 15 or 16 years old is the rebellious age.

My punishment was being awarded with a probation officer
My brother was the one who tasted leather the most lol I was chill I don't have memorable ass whipping a I do remember aunt Leila slapping a Gi Joe out of my hand in a parking lot... I miss him

8th grade.

Got into a fight and and tried to kill dude with a knife I had in school around November and December. No charges was filed (crazy) just got expelled and then reinstated a after holiday break.

Thats NOLA in the year 1999 SMH
Man my mom claim to fame is getting me with the extension cord boyyyyyyyyyyyyyy when I tell I tried to run away and that door was locked I couldn't get out fast enough and she pulled me back in and got me some more. She'll tell that story with a big grin on her face everytime.
rare case....I always remember doing what I wanted with no repercussions at home

did lots of dumb shit but I started showing out when we moved to the boot, so 5th grade
The worst punishment I got is after my parents had to come get me from the precinct.

Cops threw me in a holding cell for some shit I dont even wanna say.

Long story short, when I saw my parents through the bars I was behind I wanted to stay my ass behind them bars instead of getting let go.

I was 13.

Parents didnt even talk to me on the car ride back home. Soon as I got in the door, they took turns whooping my ass. Smh.