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Foods that taste weird to you

I used to hate guacamole/avocado when I was younger, would throw the whole plate in the trash if it was touching any of my food.....now? I put guac(if its made right)/avocado on pretty much everything if its available
Buy the right coffee, use the right creamer and you’ll be good. Straight black is meh.
I use McCafe from a tub. I don’t buy any other coffee. I use a total of 4 tbsp of creamer, 2 of hazelnut and 2 of salted caramel from the brand Wide Awake. It’s perfect tasting and smooth.
Avocado has a fucked up taste to me...can’t stand when muhfuckas be like “It doesn’t have a taste...it tastes like whatever you season it wit’!!” BULLSHIT!! I can’t describe it but mixed wit tha whackest of all whack consistencies and you have a trash ass product...
I totally agree it tastes like if water was a solid and salty. I can’t descr the texture but it’s gross af
I never like the taste of basil and I can't eat rare steak. Something about the taste makes me want to vomit.
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Ground meats and some other kinds of meat
Dark chocolate
I used to hate guacamole/avocado when I was younger, would throw the whole plate in the trash if it was touching any of my food.....now? I put guac(if its made right)/avocado on pretty much everything if its available

I also love avocado today but I couldn't stand it when I was younger. Seems like children generally speaking don't like avocado at all.

I just read this article "Five foods you hate as a kid but love as an adult"....Avocado tops that list lol
Ranch and mayo...if they're homemade I might mess with em but they gotta be ice cold. If they get anywhere near room temp I wana throw up. It smells different when it been sitting out.