The Official World Politics Thread

This nigga need to turn in his card.

Denouncing the existence of racial discrimination amongst law enforcement AND Endorsing Donald Trump is too much Fukery for one Twitter post.
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You know they gonna hand pick people who support him for him to greet. It'll be an attempt to make him look good, and lie about how the people in El Paso welcomed him wit open arms

Only registered Republican voters allowed.

Homeland Security Committee Asks 8chan Owner To Testify On String Of Extremists

The House Committee on Homeland Security on Tuesday requested the current owner of the site 8chan to testify in front of Congress after investigators discovered that the suspected El Paso gunman may have posted a hate-filled screed on 8chan shortly before allegedly killing 22 people in a shooting spree on Saturday.

Committee chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and ranking member Mike Rogers (R-AL) sent the site owner, Jim Watkins, a letter detailing their concern over not only the El Paso shooter’s alleged manifesto on the “Hispanic invasion,” but also the fact that the New Zealand mosque shooter and the Southern California synagogue shooter had both posted white nationalist ravings on 8chan before carrying out deadly acts of violence this year.

“Americans deserve to know what, if anything, you, as the owner and operator, are doing to address the proliferation of extremist content on 8chan,” Thompson and Rogers wrote. “To that end, the Committee on Homeland Security respectfully requests your presence to provide testimony regarding 8chan’s efforts to investigate and mitigate the proliferation of extremist content, including white supremacist content, on your website.”

8chan was taken offline on Monday after its internet host Cloudflare terminated its agreement with the site for “refusing to moderate their hate-filled community.”

Watkins denied that the suspected El Paso shooter had posted a manifesto on the site. Prior to the shooting, Watkins said he doesn’t “have a problem with white supremacists” using his site as a platform.

“They have reasons for their beliefs,” he told Splinter in April. “I don’t need to justify their reasons.”

The original founder and former owner of 8chan, Fredrick Brennan, told the New York Times on Sunday that the site needed to be shut down in wake of the El Paso shooting.

“It’s not doing the world any good,” Brennan said. “It’s a complete negative to everybody except the users that are there.”

‘Students For Trump’ Founder Pleads Guilty To Pretending To Be A Lawyer

The 23-year-old male who founded the group “Students for Trump” pleaded guilty in a Manhattan federal court on Tuesday to wire fraud conspiracy for running a $46,000 scam in which he pretended to be a lawyer offering legal advice online, The New York Daily News reported.

The founder, John Lambert, created a fake website for a fake law firm called Pope & Dunn, where he pretended to be an NYU Law School graduate named John Pope. He claimed he had a finance degree from the University of Pennsylvania and had worked in corporate law for 15 years, according to the New York Daily News.

Lambert will be sentenced in November. As part of his plea deal, he agreed not to appeal a sentence that is 21-months or less and will hand over the $46,000 he scammed out of clients.

“John Lambert represented himself to clients as a prominent New York attorney with a law degree from an elite law school. But Lambert’s de facto career was one of a grifter: he had never been to law school and certainly wasn’t an attorney. Today, Lambert admitted to his crimes and faces time in prison for his misdeeds,” Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman said, according to the Daily News.

Lambert reportedly ran the scam from 2015-2016 from North Carolina, around the same time he was garnering media attention for his Students for Trump group from Campbell University in North Carolina. He and his co-founder were on the TV repeatedly during the campaign, attended political rallies and ran a Twitter account that featured racy photos of women. The group was recently acquired by Turning Point USA.

Tucker Carlson Takes Vacation After Getting Ex-KKK Leader David Duke’s Endorsement

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson announced that he is leaving for vacation Wednesday, after his comments about white supremacy being a “hoax” set off a firestorm and garnered the endorsement of David Duke, former leader of the Ku Klux Klan.

Per CNN, Fox News claims that the vacation was planned before the controversy unraveled.

Carlson said Tuesday night on his show that white supremacy is “just like the Russia hoax” and that “it’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power.”

He made the comments just days after a shooter in El Paso killed 22 people, seemingly motivated by his white nationalist beliefs.

His comments earned approval from Duke, one of the most infamously virulent white nationalists.