AC Slater is done lol

Seems to me the kids that Ellen parade around always wind up being severely fucked up.

Like that boy that was dancing and the lil girl was like WTF?

Or that boy they drag to all the pride parades.

Enough time has passed to prove their behavior is not their own and that they were turned out and not doing it all as a choice.

I say we grab them two boys and make them tell the truth about their lives.
He's about to get dragged for having a difference of opinion

Saw this video on IG with a 10yr old girl speaking out about this (got expelled from school for her stance).

Not all kids are with it. Like someone said before - its abusive

Youā€™re pressing really hard for some type of religious debate, correct? Then just do so. Stop dancing around and being condescending.

No. I literally didn't understand what "group" you were talking about so I asked.

I'm not like the rest of these niggas on here that shit on God or religion. Just because I accused you of being in on some cult shit doesn't mean I have a problem with religion or care to debate it.
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Damn near any "group" of people fall under what Vibe said. As for the thread topic, having actually seen the full quote of what Mario Lopez said he didn't say anything wrong with what he said. But saying it to Candace Owens while also being a Trump supporter he also knows who these comments will resonate with. So while he didn't say anything wrong, he definitely knew who he was talking to.
Sorry... which groups you talking about?

the group here, on topic, is the transgendered ppl, theyā€™re ā€œcancellingā€ someone else for their difference in their view, although they did take his comments slightly out of context and run w it full speed. They want you to be tolerant of their life choices, opinions etc but ā€œcancelā€ you for stating otherwise toward them. Mario speaks truth here but itā€™s an opinion and heā€™s not ā€œcancellingā€ or preventing anyone from anything, he stating what he views as dangerous. He isnā€™t being ā€œintolerantā€, heā€™s stating a fact. How can a 3yr old make that type of decision and the parents run w it? Thatā€™s what heā€™s talking about. Heā€™s not talking about transgendered ppl overall who make these decisions at a more mature and proper age.
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