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The MAGAs favorite show - Roseanne - now under fire for "racist" comment made on Twitter...

I heard they're bringing it back through another spin off and she'll be bought off.

Making excuses for Roseanne’s racism and going on that Racist Jew Ben Shapiro’s podcast.. Rogan is definitely on Team Alt Right...

Rogan's weird. He flip flops a lot. He claims to be "not part of any team" but whenever he has a Conservative on his show, he will be agreeing with them about almost all of whatever they say. Then when he has a liberal on the show, he agrees with them on almost everything they say.

Still love his podcast though. I just dont care for the political guest episodes. Fucking hate Ben Shapiro too. He's got that face I just want to punch. Pretty sure dude has Aspergers or something weird too.
Roseanne BEEN racist af though. These from 2009:


ABC Reaches Settlement With Barr, Plans ‘Roseanne’ Spin-Off Without Her

Less than a month after announcing it had canceled the popular, working class family centered sitcom “Roseanne” over a racist tweet, ABC has decided to launch a spin-off of the show, sans the main character.

The New York Times reported Thursday that Roseanne Barr reached a settlement with ABC, which will exempt the network from having to pay Barr for the new spin-off. In a statement to the Times, Barr said she “regrets” her actions and agreed to the financial settlement so that “200 jobs of beloved cast and crew could be saved, and I wish the best for everyone involved.”

The new 10-episode show is set to air this fall with a working title of “The Conners,” which will focus on the other principal characters from “Roseanne,” played by John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf and Sara Gilbert. The main character is expected to be Darlene, Roseanne’s youngest daughter. The plot will focus on a “sudden turn of events” that changes the daily life of the Conners family, according to an ABC statement shared with the Times.

In its short reboot life, “Roseanne” was a knockout. The show, a critical success in the 1980s to 1990s, focused heavily on working class America and the tensions that arise in families when members hold opposing political ideologies. The show was cancelled on May 29, mere hours after Barr — a real life Trump supporter — tweeted a racist comment about Valerie Jarrett, a former adviser to President Barack Obama.

Racism pays...

Roseanne Gets Emotional in Interview About ABC Cancellation, Racist Valerie Jarrett Tweet

Following her dramatic ouster from her self-titled ABC sitcom, Roseanne Barr held an emotional interview with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on her public downfall brought on by a racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett, a former adviser to President Barack Obama.

“It’s really hard to say this but, I didn’t mean what they think I meant,” she said of her May tweet calling Jarrett the lovechild of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes. “And that’s what’s so painful. But I have to face that it hurt people. When you hurt people even unwillingly there’s no excuse.”

Boteach, who serves as her spiritual adviser, interviewed the actress just one day after she was fired, making the audio public on Soundcloud Sunday. It is also transcribed in a Facebook post.

During the more-than-30-minute clip, Barr offered an apology “to anyone who thought, or felt offended and who thought that I meant something that I, in fact, did not mean.”

“It was my own ignorance, and there’s no excuse for that ignorance,” she added. “But I didn’t mean it the way they’re saying I meant it. And that’s really weird too because if I don’t speak for myself, who will speak for me.”

The former Roseanne star then became distraught, explaining she has diversity within her own family and that she wouldn’t have and didn’t call any black person a monkey, in spite of her tweet having implied just that of Jarrett.

“I have black children in my family. I can’t, I can’t let ‘em say these things about that, after thirty years of my putting my family and my health and my livelihood at risk to stand up for people. I’m a lot of things, a loud mouth and all that stuff. But I’m not stupid, for God’s sake. I never would have wittingly called any black person, [I would never had said] they are a monkey. I just wouldn’t do that. I didn’t do that.”

Barr then claimed she hadn’t been aware at the time of her Twitter debacle that Jarrett was black.

“When ABC called me and said, ‘What is the reason for your egregious racism?,’ I said, ‘Oh my God, it is a form of racism.’ I guess I didn’t know she was black, and I’ll cop to it, but I thought she was white.”

Although she apologized for her attack on Jarrett, Barr attempted to explain why she wrote it, contending she isn’t racist.

“I horribly regret it,” she said. “Are you kidding? I lost everything, and I regretted it before I lost everything. And I said to God, ‘I am willing to accept whatever consequences this brings because I know I’ve done wrong. I’m going to accept what the consequences are,’ and I do, and I have. But they don’t ever stop. They don’t accept my apology, or explanation. And I’ve made myself a hate magnet. And as a Jew, it’s just horrible. It’s horrible.”

At the end of her conversation with Boteach, Barr said she wanted Jarrett’s phone number so that she could call and apologize.

Heard she has to refuse a lot of money for them to keep the show going. And it's gonna be without her.

Lol. She doesn't have to do anything. ABC "has to" don't fall for the smoke and mirrors. That's all her "intellectual property" and they starting a spin off till she's comfortable with her split.

Jerry Seinfeld Calls ABC Firing Roseanne Barr For Racist Tweets ‘Overkill’: She’s ‘Already Dead’

Comedian and actor Jerry Seinfeld voiced confusion over why ABC canned actor Roseanne Barr after she made racist tweets, calling the network’s move “overkill.”

“I don’t even know why they had to do that,” Seinfeld said in an interview with USA Today. “It seemed like, you don’t need to murder someone that’s committing suicide. I thought the firing was overkill. She’s already dead.”

In another interview with Entertainment Tonight, Seinfeld expressed similar thoughts on the controversy. “I didn’t see why it was necessary to fire her. Why would you murder someone who’s committing suicide?”

The now-infamous firing of Barr came after the actor compared Obama White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, who is a woman of color, to an ape. However, even without the original Roseanne, ABC is keeping the series alive with another spinoff to be titled The Connors.

Seinfeld wasn’t thrilled about this move either.

“I think they should get another Roseanne,” Seinfeld said. “They brought Dan Conner back, he was dead and they brought him back. So, why can’t we get another Roseanne? There’s other funny women that could do that part. You need to get the comic in there. I hate to see a comic lose a job.”


Manic Roseanne Barr Screams ‘I Thought the B*tch Was White’ in Video ‘Explanation’ of Valerie Jarett Tweet

In the above video, released by Roseanne Barr on her own YouTube channel, the fired actress “explains” the racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett that wrecked her otherwise popular show.

Barr promised to release her own explanation after a series of interviews and her apology to Jarrett when the controversy first erupted in May. In this video, she appears frustrated and agitated, going back and forth with the off-camera interviewer before finally unleashing.

“I thought the bitch was white! God dammit, I thought the bitch was white! Fuck!” she screamed.


Roseanne Barr Screams About Valerie Jarrett: ‘I Thought The B*tch Was White!”

In a video posted to her YouTube channel, a flustered and discombobulated Roseanne Barr screams about Obama administration aide Valerie Jarrett, shrieking, “I thought the bitch was white! Fuck!” at the top of her lungs.

When the video begins, she is talking to an off-camera producer who’s encouraging her to speak like she’s giving a presidential address. She seems to have a hard time understanding him and keeps dropping her head into her hands.

“I’m trying to talk about Iran,” she says loudly to the producer. “I’m trying to talk about Valerie Jarrett wrote the Iran Deal. That’s what my tweet was about.”

“I know,” he responds. “You’ve explained this literally 300 times.”

“I thought the bitch was white!” Barr screams. “Goddamnit! I thought the bitch was white! Fuck!”

She then takes a drag on her cigarette and looks offscreen.

The video is titled “Roseanne explains the Valerie Jarrett tweet.”

In late May, Barr tweeted about Jarrett, saying that she was the offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Planet of the Apes. The backlash was so intense that ABC cancelled the “Roseanne” reboot.

Barr has a history of racist and generally unhinged tweets, and has specifically likened a black Obama administration official—former national security adviser Susan Rice—to an ape before.

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Roseanne Barr: ABC Fired Me Because I Voted For Trump

Roseanne Barr issued a bizarre video statement on Friday morning declaring (at a high decibels) that she thought Valerie Jarrett, the subject of a tweet that got her fired from her hit ABC show, was white.

Barr followed up with a more coherent statement video Friday afternoon, in which she explained the behind the scenes of her firing from Roseanne.

She started the statement out with Trumpian flair: “Hi, this is Roseanne Barr and I’d like to welcome you to my own studio, where I’m able to speak for myself to my fellow and sister Americans without the filter of the biased media.”

“This was my statement from the very beginning, and it will continue to be forever because it is the truth,” she continued. “When ABC called and asked me to explain my ‘egregious and unforgivable tweet,’ I told them I thought Valerie Jarrett was white. And I also said I am willing to go on The View, Jimmy Kimmel, or whatever other show you want me to go on and explain that to my audience.”

“Now, instead what happened was about 40 minutes after that my show was canceled before even one advertiser pulled out and I was labeled a racist,” she explained. Why, you ask? Well, the answer is simple. It’s because I voted for Donald Trump and that is not allowed in Hollywood.”

Fox News’ Sean Hannity to Interview Roseanne Barr This Week

Fox News’ top host Sean Hannity will interview beleaguered actor and comedian Roseanne Barr on Thursday.

Fox News made the announcement in a press release tonight, which will be Barr’s first broadcast appearance since ABC fired her, set to air this Thursday, July 26th.

The network says Barr will talk about report on the tweet that got her fired, as well as President Donald Trump.

Barr, who has previously avoided so-called “stressful & untrustworthy” appearances on television, was fired from her hit ABC comeback show earlier this year after she compared former Obama administration aide Valerie Jarrett — who is black — to an ape.

She has since decried her release from the network numerous times and blamed her mistake on everything from the fact that she is a Trump supporter to her use of the prescription drug Ambien. Her most notable remarks since the firing include a YouTube video where she can be seen looking disheveled while smoking a cigarette and yelling “Goddammit! I thought the bitch was white!”

At the time Hannity had criticized Barr for her “outrageous comment.”