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COMMUNITY ABW Court: WhisperingEye vs Germs Sexual Harassment


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
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Today in ABW Court, @Whispering Eye from the Chi, has accused @Germs from ... I'm sure somewhere in the souf, of sexually harassing her.

We're going to get to the bottom of these claims.

The plantiff WhisperingEye will be represented by @Joshimir Putin.

The defendant Germs has decided to wave counsel and defend himsef.

Any opening arguments?​
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We're behind you brotha @Germs
The defendant is a known sexual deviant, he holds no regards for his marital vows, and frequently makes sexual advances towards many of our female posters.

I can call upon witnesses if need be.
The defendant is a known sexual deviant, he holds no regards for his marital vows, and frequently makes sexual advances towards many of our female posters.

I can call upon witnesses if need be.

nigga this aint traffic court

what is you doing??

this it?

he bout to walk away scott free
I’m sorry judge but with all of these outburst in lue of the charges set against. I find it very disruptive and counter productive to my defense.

Once again I ask for AP21 to be removed from the court room and a warning set against BNE, less she be found in contempt
you know what...i want this thread to stay the course, so i'll refrain from any outburts