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COMMUNITY ABW Court: Chi-town B vs Chicity in the case of "and they say Chi shitty"


I was really really tryna keep it PG
Site Administrator
aight, welcome back to ABW court

today we doing things a lil different. I was gonna go with 6 jurors, but that would mean there was a chance of a tie and I would have to be the tie breaker, and with a mod being sued, i aint trying to even get in the middle of that

so, we rolling with 5 jurors

@Willie Beamen
@Chi-town B

fair point

but state the reason you are suing and what you are asking for in the event you win
Chicity is an ABW sexual predator, an abuser of power and if those two things aren't bad enough he had the audacity to claim my city when he's a southerner. This guy can't go on running unchallenged and people can't keep turning a blind eye to his misdeeds

The 15 million in his account isn't enough since he's a crook and runs the bank. I also want him suspended for a month from his ABW duties and also have him take the Chi out of his name since he's not from here.

Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury don't let this monster get away with his misdeeds, you have the power to finally stop him and his reign of terror.

Thank You
Chicity is an ABW sexual predator, an abuser of power and if those two things aren't bad enough he had the audacity to claim my city when he's a southerner. This guy can't go on running unchallenged and people can't keep turning a blind eye to his misdeeds

The 15 million in his account isn't enough since he's a crook and runs the bank. I also want him suspended for a month from his ABW duties and also have him take the Chi out of his name since he's not from here.

Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury don't let this monster get away with his misdeeds, you have the power to finally stop him and his reign of terror.

Thank You

A lot to think about from your prospective

@Chicity, it is the court's understanding that you are countersuing

what are you countersuing for
@Chicity, it is the court's understanding that you are countersuing

what are you countersuing for
Let me first state I'm embarrassed to be here today. I was always taught street shit was street shit and the fact that Goldilocks B has involved the courts puts a blemish on my city. Sad was the day when he was dropped in Chicago. Couple more miles east and he'd be Indiana problem

Secondly, I'd like to file a counter claim against CTB for harassment and defamation, which I'll prove. 150m in harassment, pain and suffering and lost wages, his name changed, and his avi should teach him some get right I think

Lastly, I'd also like to file a motion to have the title changed as it's inflammatory and prejudicial. The courts should know better but I guess when you young and black being guilty and mocked comes with the territory
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Let me first state I'm embarrassed to be here today. I was always taught street shit was street shit and the fact that Goldilocks B has involved the courts puts a blemish on my city. Sad was the day when he was dropped in Chicago. Couple more miles east and had be Indiana problem

Secindly, I'd like to file a counter claim against CTB for harassment and defamation, which I'll prove. 150m in harassment, pain and suffering and lost wages, his name changed, and his avi should teach him some get right I think

Lastly, I'd also like to file a motion to have the title changed as it inflammatory and prejudicial. The courts should know better but I guess when you young and black being guilty and mocked comes with the territory

Please clarify what happened regarding the harassment and defamation please