Date Night Pet Peeves


Doctorate & Ph.D in Bootyology
Jan 22, 2017
Ahh yes. You and your s/o finally got a night to spend time together. Whether it's staying home for a romantic evening. Or goin out to kick it somewhere. Either way...its only the two of yall and no one else.

Things are going great. Good adult convo. Vibe is right. Night is goin spectacular...UNTIL! Outta nowhere, your s/o does something that just IRKS your damn nerves to the core! Something so egregious, it threatens to ruin date night! So I ask my ABW ladies & gentlemen...

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My date night pet peeve...always picking up her phone every 2 damn mins! Either goin on social media to look at posts, or answering every damn text she gets.

Last night I had to tell her to put her phone away b/c we're at dinner. Unless someone blowing her phone up b/c of an emergency...then mofos can wait. Smh.
Arguing with the restaurant staff. I be scared to eat afterwards. She mostly does it when we're about done but it kinda kills the mood and ruins a return visit to the restaurant.

She got into it with valet just last week about fingerprints on her window. It actually turned me on to see her fired up like that. The killer part is she was wrong af bcuz all them niggas had on white gloves at the time. Lol
Arguing with the restaurant staff. I be scared to eat afterwards. She mostly does it when we're about done but it kinda kills the mood and ruins a return visit to the restaurant.

She got into it with valet just last week about fingerprints on her window. It actually turned me on to see her fired up like that. The killer part is she was wrong af bcuz all them niggas had on white gloves at the time. Lol
This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Especially when a man is being rude for no good reason...
Arguing with the restaurant staff. I be scared to eat afterwards. She mostly does it when we're about done but it kinda kills the mood and ruins a return visit to the restaurant.

She got into it with valet just last week about fingerprints on her window. It actually turned me on to see her fired up like that. The killer part is she was wrong af bcuz all them niggas had on white gloves at the time. Lol

Yeah we wouldn't be goin out if she does that regularly. That's a turn off and would lead to immediate dismissal. Never argue wit the people who fix your food. You're better off just leaving.
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Our date night turned into a double date when we ran into her ex, the guy before me, and the girl he was dating.
Didn't know at 1st until they started talking about their past together and all the freaky sex shit they used to do.
How you navigate thru that? And was it awkward for his girl?
Honestly, I really wasn't bothered by it. Me and her had only been dating maybe 3 months but I didn't have no real string feelings for her.
I stayed, ate the food, and even joined in on their convo.
After the food was gone, I got up and left.

As far as the other girl. I couldn't tell you. I didn't pay much attention to her
That's wild. Lol
Nah. What was wild was the phone call I got from her the 2 days afterwards.
I don't remember all she said except for she said what I did was rude.
I'm calm and don't get mad easily but that shit triggered the fuck out of me.
I said something that had her crying.
After that, for a week straight I was getting calls, VMs, and texts from number I didn't know from her friends.
Nah. What was wild was the phone call I got from her the 2 days afterwards.
I don't remember all she said except for she said what I did was rude.
I'm calm and don't get mad easily but that shit triggered the fuck out of me.
I said something that had her crying.
After that, for a week straight I was getting calls, VMs, and texts from number I didn't know from her friends. what would've blurted outta my mouth the instant she said that dumb shyt. what would've blurted outta my mouth the instant she said that dumb shyt.
Lol. I more than certain I did.
If it wasn't for that 1 date, I'd probably still be with her with a couple kids.
Shit ton of good qualities
Me waiting for her to get dressed then having the audacity to say "You ready?" as she's comin out the room.

Mutha...stop askin me that shyt! I've waiting the past 20 to 30mins for you to done!