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Would You Rather?

For everybody, would u rather be in love for 5 years that ends with a bad heartbreak and u never hear from them again or never experience love?
You sure?
From the DEA website:
First Offense: Not less than 5 yrs. and not more than 40 yrs. If death or serious bodily injury, not less than 20 yrs. or more than life. Fine of not more than $5 million if an individual, $25 million if not an individual.

Why am I in that bitch for so long, wouldnt I have learned everything by then.
Beelzebub here I come

Id smell poop, good luck getting a job or pussy smelling like a porta potty

Shrimp easy, I dont like those sea insects, but I aint eating shit.
Positive. Its places where heroin is legal, you didn't say I had to sell it here.

Even if its here, gotta get caught to get in trouble. I wouldn't get caught.
Stuck on the island. No matter how much they get on my nerves. I love my people.

For all:
Would you rather smell like poop forever and not know it or constantly smell poop that nobody else can smell?

@OhMars would you rather eat chitterlings or shrimp?
I'd rather everyone else smell it. I can't handle stanky smells.

This for everybody:
Would you rather spend the rest of your life with friends and family on a deserted island you couldnt leave?


Would you rather stay on the mainland where you can go wherever yoy want but cant see friends and family?

@Zagreus Would you rather know everything there is to know and be percieved crazy or would you rather be of average intelligence and be considered normal?

For me personally, this Is too easy. Off the little I know as is... I'd much rather be seen as crazy but also know all of the mysteries. There's some incredible people out there. Knowledge is truly power
A girlfriend of the man I truly love. Marriage ain't that serious to me.

@EleanorDeWitt would you rather travel the world without your kids or never travel out of your state?
I'd rather travel w/o them. One day they'd understand.

@Horticulture would you rather spend 3 days alone in an old castle torture chamber
wyr spend a week in solitary confinement at an insane asylum in the 1800's?
Having all the money in the world means nothing if you're lonely.
I just thought of that episode of south park where cartman was really having a blast in an amusement park all by himself
how did i become so irrelevant on a new site so fast?

Would you rather slap your mom, with no explanation before or after
Take care of a pet raccoon for a year

I'd rather travel w/o them. One day they'd understand.

@Horticulture would you rather spend 3 days alone in an old castle torture chamber
wyr spend a week in solitary confinement at an insane asylum in the 1800's?
3 days alone in an old castle torture chamber. solitary ain't no joke, n they treated the mentally ill so bad back then

I'll come out n write a book inspired by it. Ima put 120 Days of Sodom to shame.