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Which Show Had A Better Season 1? Atlanta vs Insecure

Which Show Was Better?

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and Baka's got a weird case, why is he around??
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This is a tough one for me. Insecure last episode was great. Atlanta's was kinda just OK at best to me

I laughed harder watching Atlanta but I Insecure had it's moments.

I'm going to have to think hard on this one.
haven't seen Atlanta yet but I just burned through Insecure and it was great. broaching How to Get Away With Murder status but more relateable
It's hard but I went with Insecure. Atlanta is more a sitcom (not that that's a problem), but there's more depth and a journey to follow in Insecure.

CS 100%, plus I think Insecure is a funnier show too
I think I felt Atlanta now because I'm such a Donald glover fan. I felt entertained by the show as an outsider looking in to his view of the city.

But Insecure, I felt on a personal level having been through similar situations.

I'm just happy there's good black TV to enjoy, can't say one is better than the other. Atlanta is more funny to me though.
Cot damn man. This is a hard one.

I'm only giving Insecure the SLIGHT edge b/c I reacted more to that show than ATL.

The season finale is what did it. I felt like a win for Lawrence, was a win for brothas everywhere. BRAVO!
I like both shows. I appreciate any show starring Black, Asian or Latino folk that truly represent all of the culture with full fleshed out characters with good and bad traits. To many show have the funny black guy or the smart Asian with no real character development
i voted for ATL to break the tie

i know what goldie trying to do

nah b...not on my watch