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Oh yea sure. I can do that. What day again ?
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For one I thought it was funny that it's my name and says she is a single parent of one, like myself. I also have a fear of my child not being accepted or treated as a grandchild to my new man's family. I don't care for all the lavish gifts, I just want him to be loved and accepted. Growing up my brothers were welcomed with open arms to my fathers side of the family. My grandmother made sure she included them in everything and I was included in my stepdads family. It's a rare thing.

Candy was wrong however because it wasn't her place to do take a gift back. I understand why she did it but nah.
Candy is wrong but not for taking the gift back. What kind of parent marries into a family that doesn't accept her child? A shit one.

She should've stayed single or married into a family that respected her/her child.
only if she couldn't afford shoes for the other kid......

sorry, but that's her right to make that decision
who even gives a fuck bout the gifts tho? miniscule compared to the knowing favoritism.
that's like if someone buy me a 61 inch tv still in the box with the receipt, but we ain't got no groceries....

Candy is a mf bird, her new husband is a doormat, the grandmother is a bitch n they are ALL trash.
That granny isn't obligated to do SHIT for the other kid. Candy is wrong for taking the gift back, period.
That granny isn't obligated to do SHIT for the other kid. Candy is wrong for taking the gift back, period.
The granny isn't obligated to do shit for either kid. Candy shouldn't have married a bitchmade mama's boy who lets his mother ignore his stepchild.

Candy is dumb as hell for not putting her child first when choosing to marry this guy.
The granny isn't obligated to do shit for either kid. Candy shouldn't have married a bitchmade mama's boy who lets his mother ignore his stepchild.

Candy is dumb as hell for not putting her child first when choosing to marry this guy.

Get out ur feelings before we continue this debate. That entire post is a contradiction.

U start by saying the granny isnt obligated to do shit. Then call the dude a bitch because his granny isnt obligated to do shit? man stfu
Candy should've been looking for divorce lawyers the second time the grandmother did that. Her husband should've talked to her about it.

What kinda disrespectful shit? Smh.

Candy's priorities are fucked.
Grandma isn't necessarily wrong more inconsiderate if anything, and candy shouldn't have taken the shoes back, she didn't buy them. The new dad needs to have a talk with the grandma because her actions are causing some division in their relationship.
the grandma doesn't owe either child anything technically n she can gift as she wishes, but the only connection to the grandma is via Candy's husband. The grandma is communicating where Candy n Candy's firstborn stand. Candy is spineless n not putting her child 1st by allowing that. She should've never entered that situation.

Disgusts me.