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Breaking News ps4 Messages causing systems to brick (Might wanna read if you own a ps4)


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PlayStation 4 users are saying a text-message exploit is bricking their consoles, requiring a factory reset to get the unit working again.

Though numerous users have said they’ve been hit, the attack isn’t officially confirmed and Sony hasn’t given any kind of comment. To be on the safe side, users are suggesting that others change their message receipt settings so that only friends (or, more drastically, no one at all) can send them messages.

As I’ve had friend-only messaging enabled for a while, I can’t tell if this threat/exploit is legitimate, or if this is the way to thwart it. Numerous users in the PS4 subreddit say they’ve been hit, though, and many describe the same effects. The message attack appears to be similar to others seen in mobile platforms, where a message containing a string of characters (or a specific one) can shut down the hardware.

To be on the safe side, users can manage their messages and messaging preferences from a web browser or the PlayStation smartphone app (Android and iOS). These methods are thought the be the best way to avoid opening or triggering the exploit and crashing the system.

Otherwise, users may go into the account management options from the console itself. That is found in the Settings option on the XMB, then the Account Management tab, and then Privacy Settings. The option to change is under Personal Info/Messages and users should set that to friends only or no one.

In this thread, currently atop the PS4 subreddit, a PS4 owner says someone used the attack to brick everyone on his team (except the one player who had their message settings on private). In a screenshot provided by the user, a question mark in a square is shown in the message text, suggesting this is a character or a string the system can’t handle.

Meantime, we have reached out to Sony for the customary comment. Several other news outlets have picked up and reported on the threat. But being the weekend, it’s possible we don’t hear anything back until tomorrow, or after a firmware patch is rolled out.
At the time of that article people who opened the message were the only ones affected by now theres people getting it without even opening up a message. So might wanna fall back until Sony get this shit fixed.

I got a message from a random a few days ago but didnt open it.

yall niggas be safe
yep just set it to where you dont receive messages from randoms including the ones that are in games w/ you

or u can set it to not recieve messages at all for the time being till they get that shit right
Oh I already got it set to friends only.

Thanks for heads up tho. Yall be ready for red dead 2. I'm gonna be the player yall aspire to be.
I have been getting a spike in randoms asking to be friends even some chicks posting they number. But that's about it.
I have been getting a spike in randoms asking to be friends even some chicks posting they number. But that's about it.

make sure u change that setting bruh

I got one from a chick saying hi last week but i already knew it was some shady shit cause i hadnt even been playing anything
make sure u change that setting bruh

I got one from a chick saying hi last week but i already knew it was some shady shit cause i hadnt even been playing anything

Yeah for a solid couple months a few times a week I would get messages from random faceless accounts saying hi or literally asking to be friends. I wouldn't open them but the message notification was enough to know it was bullshit so I just changed it to make it stop.
Yeah for a solid couple months a few times a week I would get messages from random faceless accounts saying hi or literally asking to be friends. I wouldn't open them but the message notification was enough to know it was bullshit so I just changed it to make it stop.

yea that was happening to me for minute too, I should of changed that setting a long time ago too to be honest.

I done had my account jacked once in the past they didnt buy shit but they basically set their ps4 to primary from my account so they could play my games but I couldnt. I had to get sony on the phone
good lookin out

i changed mine to friends only a long time ago

randoms in my inbox w/ nigger jokes after I smoke em in a deathmatch

if this is something since yesterday ill double check
@VIBE I've been getting the red light of death lately is that why I've been getting it?

no clue... check ur messages w the app, delete them and follow the directions the posted and see if that helps, or message them on Twitter for help... I’ve never had issues other than random dis ejects
@VIBE I've been getting the red light of death lately is that why I've been getting it?

You prolly need to clean out your ps4 the dust makes it overheat

just google how to clean it, I seen somebody say u can do it with a vacuum hose on low suction or you can get a can of air or buy this screw driver to take it apart but its a certain kind and its hard to find unless u order it