COMMUNITY NBA2K19 Devs Caught Cheating


Da Beast
Jan 21, 2017
A YouTuber name JackedBill made a discovery of a developer having more hall of fame badges than he supposed to. So, like most youtubers he made a video about it immediately. No more than an hour or so, EA Sports or someone flagged his video and got it remove for “further review”. We all know how this plays out with big companies claims and YouTube friendly free BJs. He’s just now discovered this because NBA2K19 has a new feature where they put an icon over the “my player” head for verified youtubers and developers. God knows how long they have been cheating online. This is a serious issue as it gives them ridiculously amount of advantage in the online park area of the game. Check the video out below to hear dude discuss his video being clapped.

dont care about some cac in his feelings over a video game
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I gave up on 2k like 3 years ago and haven't missed it one bit

I suggest y'all do the same
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A YouTuber name JackedBill made a discovery of a developer having more hall of fame badges than he supposed to. So, like most youtubers he made a video about it immediately. No more than an hour or so, EA Sports or someone flagged his video and got it remove for “further review”. We all know how this plays out with big companies claims and YouTube friendly free BJs. He’s just now discovered this because NBA2K19 has a new feature where they put an icon over the “my player” head for verified youtubers and developers. God knows how long they have been cheating online. This is a serious issue as it gives them ridiculously amount of advantage in the online park area of the game. Check the video out below to hear dude discuss his video being clapped.

Not surprised at all. Niggas enjoy being fucked over in 2k.
Haven't played a NBA game since street jam or one of those live games
Last b-ball game I played was the one hosted by Bobbito. That shit was dope. I felt like a Harlem Globetrotter.
NBA Jams is on the PS Store. 2K just release something similar too called NBA2K Streets.
2k playgrounds and that shit look poo!!

Look slow like they moving through mud
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NBA Jams is on the PS Store. 2K just release something similar too called NBA2K Streets.
Aye mane say mane lemmme holla at you......
I went to go looking for that game that was/ is the worst shit I ever seen. I want that old skool nba jam. Then you got to pay for credits to jazz up your players bullshit
i'm not paying for it when it counld've been another mode on the 2k19 game itself. These rich ass developers are ruining the gaming industry with their money grabbing strategies
You motherfucking right on this one