Freestyle Lloyd Banks - Sugar Hill Freestyle

One love's one of the next beats he's gon spit on
Ion know why it seem this way to me, but the past few freestyles, Banks been sounding a second off beat. Like he laid the vocals and someone framed the audio around em
Word? I haven't noticed that

Listen to this..the way he rides the beat is like night and day compared to those, added to that’s is a quicker flow which makes flow in the others sound more egregious

The first verse is the Banks I’m used to hearing..homie seem off. Ion know what it is tho
This was bothering me so I listened to a few songs from Banks

And you know what it is

When the momentum shifts in the beat, of this song you can hear how he anticipated it, because when he wrote to it, he wrote with a cadence change in mind wit the few bars that go after the momentum change

The ones that’s dropped in the thread, was written to something else and he’s spitting them from memory so the craftsmanship that he usually has isn’t there. It’s like he told someone to drop a beat and he just went in
I take that back a lil, on mighty healthy, an engineer assisted heavily
Yea i'm not hearing it fam lol but you're a bigger Banks fan than me, so you're prolly right
When the verse first start his cadence is throaty..pause, grimy sounding almost, and just before the beat changes and he says “so there ain’t no mistake” the cadence is slightly lighter, like alright let’s go, off to the races, then as the verse goes on and into the chorus,his cadence lightens up much more than how it was when he begin

I’m probably over analyzing..I’m bored and at work