FEATURED It Is What It Is Show (Cam & Mase)

Nah bruhs you're being dismissive. "they don't like us either" is something I've literally heard AND REJECTED from childhood. People are saying Africans don't fuck with us because.......... we fuck with them but we don't feel the love back.. you cannot dismiss that.

I can quantify this shit... based on all the info and rhetoric I've accumulated in almost 4 decades i can surmise that 7/10 Africans don't fuck with black Americans.. that's only a 30% success rate of Unity, which doesn't cut it..

I can't knock ya experience, but I can say mine with African brothas and sistas has been awesome
Man stop. Black folks are guilty of being too inviting. Now that I look back on my childhood it was Asians around us, cool white dudes, Hispanics, Africans, all kind of folks. It was folks we looked at as black and had 0% black genetics. In our communities u can find some of everyone. We never get off to ourselves in our own little enclaves and shun others. Same can't be said for other races and ethnic groups. They straight up let you know outsiders not allowed
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I'm first generation Haitian-Amarican and honestly I only say that American shit on job applications. Being called Black or African American ( no offense) gets on my nerves. I've always thought of it as people's way of just lumping us all together when we all have different stories. My family came here after civil rights. I'm benefiting off the path y'all made which I appreciate. I just got a different story.

My interactions with Blacks and Africans honestly has been limited but never negative. I just always end up running with other Caribbean people. Why is that? Fucking red lining and bull shit. Most of the neighborhoods I grew up in had huge concentrations of Caribbean people. I hadn't seen my first white person in person till K-1. Personally I got love for y'all I'll just leave it a that.

It’s no problem bro. Most people stick with what they grew up around.
So nobody did African jokes at all. I mean I believe it but this division is not one sided
Dude everyone got joked on sad as it was. Some people got clowned for their clothes, some for hair, some for weight. Not saying it was right but kids are cruel. What made Africans think they were immune from roasting. Hell during my era some people even got talked about cause their parent may have been on drugs. Ain't nobody walking around now as adults tripping on what a dumb 10yr old said to them in 89.
Assholes are everywhere.

Theres great people in Jersey. Some terrible people too (shocking!).
Met some cool ass people in Bermuda. Met some assholes as well.
Met some dope Jamaicans.. and some who werent so dope.
Met some wonderful people from Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Eritrea, Kenya, Ethiopia.
Also ran into some aint shit Nigerians and Eritreans.

Waste of energy saying "THEY" dont fuck with us. Folks would be better off just saying the ones i've ran into dont if thats the case


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Nah bruhs you're being dismissive. "they don't like us either" is something I've literally heard AND REJECTED from childhood. People are saying Africans don't fuck with us because.......... we fuck with them but we don't feel the love back.. you cannot dismiss that.

I can quantify this shit... based on all the info and rhetoric I've accumulated in almost 4 decades i can surmise that 7/10 Africans don't fuck with black Americans.. that's only a 30% success rate of Unity, which doesn't cut it..


I hear you - I really do. Again im not denying those types exist because they do.

amongst ourselves we shouldn't be taking a hard stand on what percent aint shit - especially if you have a goal of unity

other groups do the birdman hand rub seeing this type of shit
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African Americans thought Africans were savages as well. Made fun of voodun and all the white supremacist tactics. Both are guilty quit listening to white folks both sides.
Thars a lie. Black Ameeicans have never looked at Africans as savages. You been lying a lot in here but I had to call this one out. You can listen to the music and look at civil rights for how black Americans viewed Africa.
Thars a lie. Black Ameeicans have never looked at Africans as savages. You been lying a lot in here but I had to call this one out. You can listen to the music and look at civil rights for how black Americans viewed Africa.

lol bruh you saying the music and civil rights and that’s cool. But it’s nothing in Africa music or any political
Movement that is anti black American. So are we just talking about personal experience
I can honestly say it wasn't till college that I picked up on this shit.

Every person I encountered in grade school that was African, was cool as fuck. I really thought it was all one people.... Until I went to college. And I met legit students that's not from here... That's when shit started getting wild.

Then working at the airport where you run into them heavy in the different jobs like sky caps and international travelers... Shit was a very slow and very depressing realization