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OPINION Conspiracy Theories U Believe....

"Conspiracies" are manufactured stories to give people the impression that they know more than they actually do. It's the reason why stuff like the Panama Papers can get swept under the rug and the whistleblowers can be car bombed without anybody caring.......
Nice meta conspiracy theory

Put me on to some new shit please I'm bored.

Any youtube vids welcome.
it's a conspiracy how it's implied that the method of economics is working as it should. that anybody who can't get on are the failures.
capitalism against socialism. capitalism the practice of individual free enterprise continues to be cloaked of its real damage on society. i could say that it doesn't work but how can I if the people that make up capitalism platforms don't police those who they elect to manage their affairs? this is the sole reason it doesn't work. rampant homelessness is a big sign that something is off. politicians are elected and then they assume to look down on those who've placed them in their assignments as if the prize of being elected is to wield snobbishness and see voters as lesser-thans.
there are people who come from around the world claiming their background experience of living in socialism and that capitalism is better, but to ask them if where they're from, had the people confronted those elected, i'm sure the answer to that would be same as here. the police, the army, the police.
we the people have to understand that we have to live and die moreso for the fact of keeping those we assign over our affairs that they must maintain their assignments just as any other job that any of us may be assigned to execute.
we also have to come to grips how easily we let politicians loose into the wild where they do just that...become wild in nature as if they must be tamed once winning their elected post.
it's automatic that these "officals" are immediately deemed "hands off" by armed forces. it's as if they, the politician, control all aspects of these armed forces and therefore achieve a respect level not reserved for the voter. just like a police officer is first believed to be pure at heart. his word over ours until proven otherwise and that's if any of us can get that far into a reasonable discussion that would shine light on the part of the voter.
until the voter becomes a sentient apparatus, we all will always be taken over or swallowed up by our own ignorance of who we assign and how they are making out on their failing assignments that continually pit us against them and moreso, each other.
i could say that it doesn't work but how can I if the people that make up capitalism platforms don't police those who they elect to manage their affairs? this is the sole reason it doesn't work. rampant homelessness is a big sign that something is off. politicians are elected and then they assume to look down on those who've placed them in their assignments as if the prize of being elected is to wield snobbishness and see voters as lesser-thans.
there are people who come from around the world claiming their background experience of living in socialism and that capitalism is better, but to ask them if where they're from, had the people confronted those elected, i'm sure the answer to that would be same as here. the police, the army, the police.
we the people have to understand that we have to live and die moreso for the fact of keeping those we assign over our affairs that they must maintain their assignments just as any other job that any of us may be assigned to execute.
we also have to come to grips how easily we let politicians loose into the wild where they do just that...become wild in nature as if they must be tamed once winning their elected post.
it's automatic that these "officals" are immediately deemed "hands off" by armed forces. it's as if they, the politician, control all aspects of these armed forces and therefore achieve a respect level not reserved for the voter. just like a police officer is first believed to be pure at heart. his word over ours until proven otherwise and that's if any of us can get that far into a reasonable discussion that would shine light on the part of the voter.
until the voter becomes a sentient apparatus, we all will always be taken over or swallowed up by our own ignorance of who we assign and how they are making out on their failing assignments that continually pit us against them and moreso, each other.
The downfall of any economic and political system is human nature. Anyone who is in control or holds the most power, in capitalism or socialism, always abuses it and we always end up in the ugly side of it.

The shit always sounds good on paper but when practiced eventually devolves into the ugly extreme
it's a conspiracy how it's implied that the method of economics is working as it should. that anybody who can't get on are the failures.
capitalism against socialism. capitalism the practice of individual free enterprise continues to be cloaked of its real damage on society. i could say that it doesn't work but how can I if the people that make up capitalism platforms don't police those who they elect to manage their affairs? this is the sole reason it doesn't work. rampant homelessness is a big sign that something is off. politicians are elected and then they assume to look down on those who've placed them in their assignments as if the prize of being elected is to wield snobbishness and see voters as lesser-thans.
there are people who come from around the world claiming their background experience of living in socialism and that capitalism is better, but to ask them if where they're from, had the people confronted those elected, i'm sure the answer to that would be same as here. the police, the army, the police.
we the people have to understand that we have to live and die moreso for the fact of keeping those we assign over our affairs that they must maintain their assignments just as any other job that any of us may be assigned to execute.
we also have to come to grips how easily we let politicians loose into the wild where they do just that...become wild in nature as if they must be tamed once winning their elected post.
it's automatic that these "officals" are immediately deemed "hands off" by armed forces. it's as if they, the politician, control all aspects of these armed forces and therefore achieve a respect level not reserved for the voter. just like a police officer is first believed to be pure at heart. his word over ours until proven otherwise and that's if any of us can get that far into a reasonable discussion that would shine light on the part of the voter.
until the voter becomes a sentient apparatus, we all will always be taken over or swallowed up by our own ignorance of who we assign and how they are making out on their failing assignments that continually pit us against them and moreso, each other.
Not trying to address all of this, but I think term limits for politicians could be huge to address some of your criticisms of politicians.
Not trying to address all of this, but I think term limits for politicians could be huge to address some of your criticisms of politicians.
it's really an enormous rabbit hole in the sense that not only do we have the problem with politician, our supposed representatives, but that the apparatus of corporation running rampant and not being policed as they are in constant pursuit of building monopolies. what's a measly politician going to do in preventing that, even if we the people could convince just one to represent what his supposed positions for the people are attempted by him?

when we all vote what we are really doing in actuality is electing individuals a place in a line for the next millionaire. what we don't come to grips is the premise that corporate plateau is what is always and going to continue being president. and as we know a corporation is not a person at all. therefore it can never be touched. like i said, this is a rabbit hole a dark cave with millions of veined routes. this is why we describe and say "they" when referencing problems in society. "they". the "government" what we are describing deep down is a faceless monarch made up of multiple wealthy personnel. you think any of that is going to defer to a president???
Covid was created in a Chinese lab. I don't understand why this is considered "offensive" to Asians. China has a history of doing fucked up shit, but THIS is offensive?
The downfall of any economic and political system is human nature. Anyone who is in control or holds the most power, in capitalism or socialism, always abuses it and we always end up in the ugly side of it.

The shit always sounds good on paper but when practiced eventually devolves into the ugly extreme
but the thinking mind can assign the perfect tasks for human nature to operate and thereby overcome many natural progressions. we may not comprehend phenomena just yet but i'm sure it's getting there. If only we'd apply the finance and energy to earth as we waste finance on one function trillion dollar machines in space exploration. we can shoot into space with a glorified firecracker but can't figure out how to wrangle a tornado. if we could go back in time before moon landings and such and plac and ed tornadoes and space exploration side by side and had to choose which one to figure out first, i'm sure the easier choice in our minds would be the tornado. no way we'd choose going into space first. space exploration devours all human ingenuity knocking it out of sync and off pulse for thriving and striving to figure out what;s right in front of your face. it's like space exploration gave us a false sense in having a cheat sheet for what remains unchecked on earth. the audacity to wanna leave so many things unchecked.

earth is millions of years old but a monied muthafucka, money schemes for infinite wealth , destroying in his wake and is barely alive for 80 years. 100 years is not enough time for a generation to complete neccesary corrections the previous generation fucked the earth over with. dupont made paints but didn't plan on the byproduct that is the dangerous waste materials. plastic bottles, just the same. a new generation MF comes into adulthood and says "why should i waste my money on cleaning this mess up, when i can go get a new place out in space". that sounds sick.

this is kid shit. to cheat, to short cut when we should know better. this earth shit should be paradise, but people with money encourage the rest of us to have to make money, placing us in hamster wheels chasing carrots with 401k's and minial work wages leaving us any time to rest our minds and think or dream up practical means to benefit the whole of us. 1 percenters go into space and military munitions while the 99% waste away figuring how to get that extra potato for their families. not a free mind among them. all that untapped resource.
this dick needs reformating
Covid was created in a Chinese lab. I don't understand why this is considered "offensive" to Asians. China has a history of doing fucked up shit, but THIS is offensive?

1) Not all Asians are Chinese.
2) Not all Chinese were responsible for what the Chinese government was doing.
3) Most Importantly: Everybody knows as soon as Trump started calling it the China Virus, a bunch of dumb racist white people would start harassing Asians.
Covid was created in a Chinese lab.


Niggas in China been eating bat assholes for thousands of years but suddenly it caused a worldwide pandemic? Coincidentally in Wuhan?

What would we say if an Ebola outbreak started in Atlanta (CDC headquarters) and they tried to blame it on niggas fighting pit bulls?
The Illuminati Conspiracy: they did actually exists, matter-of-factly. It was originally an international private circle of scholars, lettermen and polymaths from all over Europe who thrived during the Renaissance, went devilized by Rome in the early 17th century because of ideological disagreements and "heretic" thought, ignitied the so-called Enlightment period over all the Western world, amd wounded up growing powerful enough to overrule the Masonic hierarchic system in late 18th century prior socalledly becoming obsolete in 1913... the year where World War One started. Whether they have acquired better secrecy or had simply been dissolved within the greater network of occult circles and secret societies of the Western tradition remains unclear.

9/11: We all know the story.

Obama being born abroad (??) : it was obviously a consorted smear campaign by both the U.S. right wing pundits, Alex Jones, Trump and Russia (Putin got a beef against Obama and vice versa) , but still. The way that Obama countered it was a little suspicious.

Trump being born abroad: n***a played itself once again. Whoever exposed his hypocrisy, he was petty AF. 😂😂🤫😒😏🤭

Michael Jackson's murder covered up into deadly medical negligence: we all know the story.

LadyDi's murder covered up as a car accident: some of you knows well the story.

Attempts toward the ex-Duchess Meghan Clarke and the disenfrichized Prince Harry: read "LadyDi's murder" above.

Jeffrey Eipstein's political assassination covered up into a suicide: Trump wasn't sleek at all.

Reptilians: greatly exaggerated AF. But as a Central African myself, I confirm the legends and myths about the shapeshifting djinn-like Chitauris are indeed running up around Africa. We are superstitiously freaked out by the littlest mention about this species for untold aeons. I shall not even write up their name: this is how far our culture fears, loathes and curses them.
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Atlantis: there has actually some very interesting data gathered all along the coasts of Northwest Morroco to southern Spain, in the Canary Islands and the Azores that gives a plethora of evidence about about the presence of one prematurely sophisticate protohistorical civilization which thrived in these regions during the three latest tens thousands of years of the Upper Paleolithic, up from 30,000 BP to 20,000 BP, slowly declining during the Epipaleolithic (20,000 - 10,000 BP) prior vanishing from the surface of the earth after an yet-unclear global cataclysm which seems from having occured around 10,000 BCE: cataclysm enough terrific to make crumble beneath seas what remained of the reportedly-yet-still-controversial now-sunken, low-grounded landmass encompassing a major extent of the North, Middle and South Atlantic up from the highest northward mountains that would later become the Azores, to the southern mountains that will later become the Canaries and St. Helena Island respectively (and eerily befits accounts by Plato about the continent that belies beyond the isle of Atlantis westward of the Pillars of Hercules as being as vast as both ancient Lybia - e.g. all of Northern Africa west of Egypt and northward of sub-Saharan Africa - and Tyrrhenia joined altogether) and might have likely been beforehand progressively immersed beneath the ocean level all along the Last Glaciation Age.

Accounts from the predynastic period in Egypt mentions that while conquerring all of both Lower Egypt, Marmaica, the Djewi lands from the Red Sea and Sinai, as well as Djeset in southern Levant, the Upper Egyptian ruler Narmer/Nemes subjuguated an ethnic group dwelling in the Delta named the Henebaut "Peoples from the Islands Beyond The Sea" . This term became a millenia later synonymic with the native inhabitants of Myceanean Greece and the Aegean Sea during the New Kingdom period who are much implied to be partially the descendants of the older group who refused to recognize Menes's dominion and fled away toward the Aegean Sea; but in Predynastic and Old Kingdom accounts, it is instead implied that the Henebaut encountered by the first historical Pharaoh of the Two-Lands some 5,100 years ago, were the direct descendants of the same mystical semidivine refugees equally named Henebaut, who progressively fled away from their sunken homeland and found solace in the Nile along the related semidivine tribe of Anu (Plato states that both "Ethiopia" e.g. Kush, Punt or the lands down south of Egypt, and Atlantis were kindred yet bitterly rival sistrens; and centuries prior Plato's birth, it is stated by Hesiod that Pegasus, the winged horse borne from the blood of Lybian Medusa fallen in the sea-foam of Poseidon, shared equally the same divine parentage with the mythical demigod-made-Ethiopian-king Chrosoes, first ruler of the Erythraia on the Red Sea. Astronomically wise, the constellation of Pegasus is located on the Atlantic edges of northwest Africa and southwest Europe in direction of the Americas; while Chrosoes constellatory counterpart, Oephicus, is belted by the celestial equator above Central Northeast Africa - the location of the Mountains of the Moons e.g. Mounts Rwenzori wherein the Anu race has first been sired, as well as the sources of the Nile that nurtures the heartland of Punt - and rises up toward north and east, respectively the Nile and the Horn of Africa. Let's not forget that various marine gods from the deep (Poseidon, Proteus, Nemmeus, Triton) and fallen mountain-gods (the titans Atlas and Prometheus, the Olympian forger Hephaistos/Vulcan) are frequently said from having fathered both the Atlanteans and various Lybian, Egyptian, Ethiopian and Oriental rulers or races in Greek myths) up from the reigns of Osiris to the early years of reign of his son Horus, around 30,000 to 12,000 years before, and later progressively mingled along both the Ethiopian superhuman overrulers and mortal natives sheperded by the House of Kem. In the Osirian myth, the Pillars of Heracles (Detroit of Gilbartar) , derived from the Phoenician hyperbolic geonym for "Pillars of Melqart" (Melqart been a Phoenician counterpart to Horus) are named "Gateways of Nephtys" and thus implies that the Twin Sister of Isis (and subsequently her husband Set, twin brother of Osiris) patroned the Atlantic edges of both Lybia and Hispania/Hibernia/Iberia as well as the Western ocean and its dominions, including the enigmatic realm of Henebaut.

Why Western academics, who were so obsessed about the mythological, philosophical and perhaps historical intricacies of Plato's Atlantis myth, are now so little intrigued at the idea to speak out publicly about the parts of truth and accuracy beyond the legend and fantasy? I simply don't know. Maybe aren't they really comfortable at the idea that some prehistorical groups in and outside of Africa may have (very abnormally) rapidly developped themselves and fell out tens of thousands of years prior the development of agriculture and cuneiform writing in Mesopotamia, all forming complex hierarchized pre-oecumenical societies with levels of sophistication about equal to those highlighted by the Roman Empire or the British Empire at their respective peaks and all of those when the rest of the globe was still living into the Stone Age.

Yonaguni Island: basically another evidence that legends are sometimes marked by some matter of truth.
In this case, we're speaking about the myth of the Dragon King of East Sea and his fabulous sunken city-realm nearby Okinawa in East Asian myths and fables.

Giants... with a big G: we gathered over the past 2,000 years plenty of archeological evidence, both archaic and amateur as well as professional, in various regions of Africa (Rwanda, Tanzania, Botswana, D.R.C. , Sudan, Egypt) , across Eurasia (France, Italy, Thrace/Balkans, the Levant, India, Afghanistan...) , in some Precolumbian tumulus complexes all over the State of Illinois and in Peru about the now-presumedly (near-?) extinct or endangered presence of a very ancient, abnormally sanely triploid (e.g. which has three sets of chromosomes instead of two) hybrid offshoot of Homo Sapiens and some unknown, reproductivelly biocompatible nonhominoid genus, that walked the Earth since as far as the wake of the Upper Paleolithic Culture to the late Bronze Age, prior becoming extinct from the Antiquity to modernally recent times. Whose primary characteristics were their gigantic size varying from around a mean average 8-9 to 12-13 foot tall (with some rarer extremes going till a towering 25 foot tall) for men, and a mean average of 6 to 8 foot tall for women, an unusual humanoid physiology whose build defies theories of environmental adaptation, far-denser-than-average body tissue, muscle tissue and bone structure, an abnormally long neck, extremely elongated, hyperdolicocephalic skulls, an unnatural chemical composure within their bone structure and DNA remains (some of these elements are not even classified within the periodic element table) , DNA structures shifts from double-helicoidal to triple-helicoidal, strong spiritual affinities and beliefs, phenomenal brute strength and superior intellect. Some remains left in the Arizona desert and the U.S. East Coast, as well as Precolumbian myths and urban myths about a troglodytic "Giant of Kandahar" gunned down by the U.S. troops in the Hindu Kush around the late 2000s spoke about "fair" skinned, red-haired misanthropic brutes who went berserk at the littlest intrusive presence of any human within their vicinities or territory, although most of these remains suggests that others Giants may have darker complexions and sophisticate lifestyles, such as the socalled medium-dark skinned "Homo Paracas" from the tumulus found in Peru and the Illinois at the last quarter of the 20th century, and the black-skinned giant found in Rwanda in the 1990s... petrified like in cyrogenic sleep into a gigantic crystal coffin, or other similar coffins of black complexioned, bluish-jetblack and copper reddish brown complexioned akin giants found in the underground labyrinthic complexes underneath Gizah and various parts of Egypt (and held secret) , all presumedly dating back from aeons prior the very founding of the Pharaonic state.

Evidence suggests that the unidentified non-hominioid genus or species who has intermingled in the remote corners of prehistory with Homo Sapiens and begotten this race that defined all of our heroes and demigods of yore, might be not originate from Earth... let alone, from our reality.
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Freemasonry: at this point, this is not even a theory. Some things are obviously exaggerated or amped up for mediatical purpose or cranky clickbait, but for the rest you have to be gullible AF.

Hollow Earth: truthfully outmoded and preposterous theory. However, the nineteenth century French literature legend and pioneer of science fiction Jules Vernes and his proposed hypothesis about isolated, ancient subterranean biomes dug deep down inside the Earth's crust in his famous novel "Journey Into Earth's Core" can makes some sense.

Mokili Bembe = some amphibian forest-dwelling dinosaur-like offshoot to the extinct sauropods?? : I've heard about this beast a lot.

El Chupacabra: I don't know. But I am nowhere any curious to want to discover whoever or whatever keep from surgically severing random parts on whole cattles of beefs and cows all across Central America to southwest U.S.A. overnight. That shit freaks me a lot.

BigFoot/Sasquash: I don't know.

Yeti: Either an ininentified Himalayan bear or an isolated Asian offshoot of the extinct Meganthropus pre-hominid genus.

Vampires: empathetic vampires are a real deal, as stated in another thread by @deadeye . I am also well informed that purified or youthful blood transplantation is cosmetically used by some wealthy prople across U.S.A. and Europe, such as Kim Kardashian, as an alternative against the use of collagen-based products and Botox.

I have no idea whether there really have blood-sucking, demi-immortal ghouls living around. My mother claims she crossed at a few instances some creepy white folks at Montreal in the late 1980s who were feeding off from illegal traffic of blood donations. One of those creeps, a middle aged man into his 40s, claimed he has spent three hundreds of years been aged of 40-something-years old and that he was among the first French colonists of Ville-Marie, back in 1648! She really dislikes vampire films and TV shows since then.

Witchcraft: see deadeye's thread about it.

Magic: see deadeye's thread about it. Or everything written off from me.

Black people arrived in America before Columbus:

Black people are the true Native Americans: ..... sighs....

White devils been created by black men some 6,000 years ago: rather "how to oversimplify both Egyptian, Hindu, Greek and Islamic myths in some incomprehensible, rambling, gibberish Ponzi-scheming semi-truthful racist theory"

The Dragon Bloodline: Sounds like a semi-cranky misintrepretation of centuries-old encrypted, epistemological transmission of oral traditions of sacred and occult genealogies dating back from Antiquity within the Arthurian lore and other European fables, mixed up with akin traditions of sacred and occult genealogies from across the Old World.

White Ancient Egypt Fallacy conspiracy: naah... just millions of sheeps too moronic to open a damn book on Geography For Dummies.

Dr Sebi's assasination: cranky bullshit made by a bunch of holier-than-thou vegan hippies to rebrand their lost uber charismatic Ponzi-scheming cult leader into a martyr figure.

Satanic baby-eating pedophiles: ugh, just Frenchs mate. 🙄

Anastasia is still alive: I don't know.

Aliens: they exists.

Flat Earth: are you dumb??? Are you really DUMB?? Are you smashing a pizza-shaped booty?

Non-African American blacks and Latinos wants to steal your jobs: you speak exactly like racist white folks.

Jesus is black Conspiracy: he's not a historical figure. He's Jew. And he's from 1st century A.D. Levant: he had to be either swarthy at best or "fairer" .

All of the world was populated by black people and the degenerate albino hid that: it seems like a very foolish oversimplification. Also, stop calling white folks "degenerate albinos" or "devils" .

Tomi Lahren: yes, this Thotiana used to get laid with black men.

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