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Lol I just wanted to rant. My cheap ass theater is having IMAX technical issues and canceled the ticket and is showing the entire weekend as sold out. I contacted the alist support and that's what they told me. They said keep an eye out for when it's available again lmao
Lemme try this loch121 thing

Movie needed the origin in the story.

Jesse was reckless af at the end

Joel needed to pick up a gun instead of just running with the troops

The soldier with the red glasses was fuckin intense

The old black guy is always dying in movies

Poor Lee

Chinese niggas were reckless and death was inevitable

The Dolby sound in the theater during the battle was crazy

The White House needs to have safe rooms... sheesh

I was wondering why that bitch was running with the flag and then was like oh... nevermind
So they fixed the IMAX and I was able to catch the late show

There was a lot of foreshadowing for that ending if you caught it. Of course she captured it too

Wish they went more detailed in the how and why. We were just dropped in during the end of the war. I get the complaints about that

Figures they met with a bunch of militia that was just killing whoever they wanted

The quote scene was kind of under dramatic IMO. Also I don't believe they could have just rolled up on the president. I'm not the least bit of a conspiracy theorist but I do believe they have a security/panic room that no one can access. That just wasn't believable to me

I don't know who was supposed to be considered the "good guys" but the WF just killing unarmed people too made them seem just as bad as the president

I'm not sure if it would happen anywhere close to this. The biggest thing IMO would be if the military obeyed orders and would actually target civilians

This would have been awesome to see in Dolby Cinema. Those shots were loud as hell in IMAX
Hmm I don’t have much to complain about really

I just needed some context about the war and why the president was hated so much to the point where Joel just wanted a quick quote before he gets killed

Also annoyed me how they didn’t have atleast a pistol on them just in case

It was nice to see Jesse and Lee’s roles/dispositions essentially switch from the first time they met to the last time they would see each other

Jesse plemons while limited gave the most tense scene of the movie so shoutout to him

Before the scene with the sniper at the house with the two guys and the Christmas stuff I was like “did Alex garland fall off?” Lol

But he kept me a supporter

Movie had his signature style as it was beautifully shot
Just finished watching this and that was something. Found the scene of war in streets in the US extremely disturbing. Jesse Plemons is so good at playing a sociopath or psychopath and his ability to leave an impact in a movie he's in for 5 minutes is a testament to him. The theater I was at was dreading when the Asian dude answered he was from Hong Kong. I found it kinda gross how the journalists (Joel then Jesse) were gushing with excitement about being in the middle of all that chaos in the name of journalism. The way they didn't even check on Kirsten's character after she had gotten shot was insane to me

I'm guessing Kirsten's character went through that stage before coming desensitized. Thought it was clever how Jesse and Lee essentially switched roles through the course of the movie. Just feels like everyone including the journalists lose their humanity in war.

From a technical standpoint, it's a beautifully shot film
Civil War

War Wage

PRAISE: Director and writer Alex Garlands film about a dystopian future America, and a team of military-embedded journalists races against time to reach Washington, D.C., before rebel factions descend upon the White House is effective and then some. I liked how the layers are slowly but surely pulled back on what effect the new civil war has had on America in this movie. Those that take advantage of the war and those that simply tune it out. I did enjoy the vibe of the various characters in the film portrayed by Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Cailee Spaeny, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Sonoya Mizuno, and Nick Offerman all turning in strong performances ranging from world weary,pessimistic, to wide eyed determined and ambitious. As the movie played out I kept thinking would their actually be reporters and photojournalism actually covering a near apocalyptic situation......probably.
Some parts of the movie definitely reminded me of get the story no matter what movies like The Year of Living Dangerously and Under Fire.
There's a standout scene in the movie that displays just how bad things can get when division takes place on a grand scale i found it to be extremely intense and harrowing.
There's disturbing imagery throughout the movie some that are truly not for the faint of heart. Action sequences towards the end of the film were very involving.

PROBLEMS: I would have liked a bit more backstory on how things turned into brother against brother, and who was accountable. I was waiting for the one year earlier caption to hit the screen. There are a few predictable moments.

Scale of 1 to 10 an 8½