COMMUNITY ABW Video Gameplay Thread


I was really really tryna keep it PG
Site Administrator
Jan 18, 2017
putting this as a placeholder

but the idea is to post vids of games you've captured while playing

i have a few games I want to do some dynasty journals about ...i.e. it would be a series of ongoing videos

I have an idea to do a Sims 4 one based on some ABW posters. I also have some other games in mind that i want to include members from this site and post, but as of right now, i'm thinking Sims 4, X-com 2 (high recommend), prison architect, door kickers, cities:skylines, and planet coaster.

Ya'll can youtube the names to get an idea of what kinda games they are

Hopefully, i'll have something this week
I don't have any of those games mentioned since they're mostly pc games but I have hours of destiny and bf1 and a lil bit of rb6 siege gameplay for this thread
Thanks guys for checking the thread out

Been busier than usual this week but work should be slow tomorrow so I'ma post up some videos tomorrow. None of mine but I want y'all to see these games

I know XCOM and prison architect are on console now though
Oh, post it up brah
gonna try and keep these short just so ya'll can get an idea. I know ya'll attention spans be short af lol

but here are some vids (not by me) of the games i want to do dynasties on


Prison architect

Planet Coaster

Titanfall 2 (you seriously should be playing this)

Kerbal Space Program (i have this in my steam library, havent played it yet, but its good from what i've seen)
you quick scoping b ?
i wanna post some MP titanfall 2 but my performance fluctuates too much b/'c i love team based objective matches, but it pisses me off when dudes care more about K/D ratio, even though i think Titanfall has done an excellent job of de-emphasizing this solo/rambo approach.
i wanna post some MP titanfall 2 but my performance fluctuates too much b/'c i love team based objective matches, but it pisses me off when dudes care more about K/D ratio, even though i think Titanfall has done an excellent job of de-emphasizing this solo/rambo approach.
That's part of the reason why I quit bf1 because people cared more about their k/d's than winning the game. They even added a points per game avg for people to focus on but doesn't seem to have helped. How do you capture video on your pc?
That's part of the reason why I quit bf1 because people cared more about their k/d's than winning the game. They even added a points per game avg for people to focus on but doesn't seem to have helped. How do you capture video on your pc?

I can't think of the program I use but I think I downloaded a torrent of the paid version but it's real easy to use

I'll post it when I get back home
no vid today, but decided to post some pics of my city im currently working on

picked up Cities:skylines for the first time since last october

they changed a BUNCH of stuff...took me a day just to get used to it

to add some context, this is a birds's eye view of how my city looks

im getting tired, i'll explain some more tomorrow