2020 ABW AWARDS......And The Winner is.....

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I had a thought but was distracted so instead of erasing it, I just kept it

But I was just fucking with you earlier fwiw.

lol oh aite... let me know when the non smut ads are back and i'll click a few just cuz.

trust me I know them server costs aint no joke so I get it. That's why I asked if the smut niggas was really keeping the lights on if there wasnt any ads

lol oh aite... let me know when the non smut ads are back and i'll click a few just cuz.

trust me I know them server costs aint no joke so I get it. That's why I asked if the smut niggas was really keeping the lights on if there wasnt any ads
You good in my book b

You've been a huge supporter of the site as well as the podcast
No my nigga, my problem with you is you came brand new to this site thinking you knew a background to a beef between me and your pal. Also a beef between me and Az. You tend to insert yourself into other people shit especially if it involved me. That’s my issue with you and when I AND others, who been here from the jump and saw the shit unfold, told you what it was, you insisted on being right. Then you “doubled down” on some shit that happened when you wasn’t even on this site to know about. This ain’t got nothing to do with you being cool with a nigga I don’t like. @Goldie ?? is my best friend and he cool with the nigga. @Chicity and I are cool and he cool with the nigga as well. As well as @AP21 so you can stop all that right there.

you spent that same year complaining how wack my threads are and how you can’t stand them and how I need to stop, so yes I banned you from my wack threads. It was a favor. I’ve asked you not to engage me, I don’t wanna talk to you. You can’t even respect that. It was a time that every time I posted something bad that happened to me, you was goating the shit.

be real with yourself for a minute. Don’t try and make it less than what it was. My nigga you didn’t like me and still don’t. You try and be Cordial Cory but you can’t even admit you was dead ass wrong when you had the chance. Miss me with that betterment for the site shit. It’s fluff. Garbage and fluff.

Well at least you admitted it. You dont fuck with me cause I fuck with chitown. Cool.

I apologized for the Az shit. Even said I wish that didn't happen so me and you could possibly be cool.

I did think the tournament threads were wack and didn't post in them that doesn mean you should limit how and where I post on threads because I don't like some of them. And for a year? That's just unnecessarily petty and you had the nerve to just waltz in threads I created adding insult to injury.

And the funniest part is me and chitown b hated eachother on the ic. I came on the site and was as objective as I could have been.with the info right in front of me. You were both in the wrong but you've made chitown pay for it from.that day and me by association.

Like I can't say shit on here that somehow isn't a shady remark towards you.

Ultimately all I suggested is doing an awards lineup for posters and another one for mods. All this feelings to text is unnecessary. A simple nah..would have sufficed. But you wanna take it personally and it's not that.

Like I said that is a you problem. I don't have no problem with you. You seem to have a few with me. You can always hit the PM to talk ot out.
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U niggas need to get it all off y’all chests.... carrying all this around for ppl u don’t know , will never meet can’t be healthy
I’m sure I’ll run into a few folk.

Those who get the fade know who they are. the others...,,I’ll introduce to all the women I meet but can’t touch or introduce the ladies to a stand up dude I know.

Drinks and cigars on me afterwards.

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See this the shit I'm.talking about. You got the owner of the site to jump me.

What am I or anyone else who wanted to keep posting here supposed to do about that?

I'm me. Who else was really about to tell you and Goldie you were acting like some fuck niggas at the time and risk getting banned. I'm over this bs. I've forgiven, I've apologized, I've moved on..you can do the same or not. I'm good.

I was just making a suggestion to make it better next go around.
See this the shit I'm.talking about. You got the owner of the site to jump me.

What am I or anyone else who wanted to keep posting here supposed to do about that?

I'm me. Who else was really about to tell you and Goldie you were acting like some fuck niggas at the time and risk getting banned. I'm over this bs. I've forgiven, I've apologized, I've moved on..you can do the same or not. I'm good.

I was just making a suggestion to make it better next go around.
He jumped you on his own.
Well at least you admitted it. You dont fuck with me cause I fuck with chitown. Cool.

I apologized for the Az shit. Even said I wish that didn't happen so me and you could possibly be cool.

I did think the tournament threads were wack and didn't post in them that doesn mean you should limit how and where I post on threads because I don't like some of them. And for a year? That's just unnecessarily petty and you had the nerve to just waltz in threads I created adding insult to injury.

And the funniest part is me and chitown b hated eachother on the ic. I came on the site and was as objective as I could have been.with the info right in front of me. You were both in the wrong but you've made chitown pay for it from.that day and me by association.

Like I can't say shit on here that somehow isn't a shady remark towards you.

Ultimately all I suggested is doing an awards lineup for posters and another one for mods. All this feelings to text is unnecessary. A simple nah..would have sufficed. But you wanna take it personally and it's not that.

Like I said that is a you problem. I don't have no problem with you. You seem to have a few with me. You can always hit the PM to talk ot out.
You made it personal when you decided to make a speech when I won when you could’ve said that in the nomination threads, you could’ve said it in the PM when you voted and you could’ve said it when you saw the top 3’s in THIS THREAD. This wouldn’t have been an issue had anyone else won.

I dont wanna be cordial with you. I will not be cordial with you. End of discussion.
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