Welcome To aBlackWeb

You wanna be hawkeye sooo bad

Lying ass cac mayne.
He yelled 'all lives matter' out his car and some black african americans beat him up but he conveniently forgot to tell the part about him pointing bow and arrows at people and that everybody beat him up black white everybody.
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I thought I was having a stroke

Thank you

its crazy this site been up for years but posters are scared to be funny/goofy…back on the ic id be laughing everyday…now its posters tryna be cool for like 4 women that live 1,000 miles away

Ehhh. Yes and no.

ABW does have a different vibe.

This aint 2007 no mo. Niggas grown now
I think I still have screenshots I took of that shit when it was happening live, just in case he tried to claim some manner of "self defense" or some shit.